1 - The audition

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"Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N I'm 5"3, 14 years old and I'm auditioning for the role of Darcy Longhill in Stranger Things season three" I stated in a confident voice even though i was terrified. The Duffer brothers looked me up and down before scribbling something down on a notepad. 

Anxiously I fiddled with a small blue crystal in my pocket that my mother had given to me for courage before Ross smiled warmly and held out his arm "alright Y/N when your ready" and with that I nodded as the blonde lady that sat next to them began reading out a line.  

"Please just listen to me Darcy I don't care if you don't like me but you have to believe me, we have to leave now! we have to, trust me here." the lady read out with a desperate tone behind her voice. 

My heart dropped into my stomach when I realised these lines were unfamiliar to me, I hadn't been reciting the right lines! I stood there in shock. All eyes were on me. My palms grew clammy as each breath caught in my raw throat. 

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! my alarm clock startled me so much i basically fell onto the floor from my bed. I slammed my hand down on the snooze button not wanting to wake up my mother in the next room.

 I picked my body off the carpet and groaned, dragging my limp legs over to my closet. My eyes scanned the items of clothing that hung there trying to piece together a semi-decent outfit. I chose a pair of dark blue mom jeans and after four shirt changes I finally decided on the same blue striped tee that I basically wore 3 times a week.    


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I Hastily wrapped each strand of my chestnut hair around the curling iron as the locks transformed from straight and limp to beach waves that bounced as I rushed down the stairs, I never wore makeup simply because I didn't know anything about it and as soon as a synthetic brush touched my face 40 million spots would pop up in its place.

 My mother sat at the breakfast bar beaming at me, a huge smile plastered across her face. A grin tugged at my lips too before we both squealed in excitement and she rushed forward wrapping her arms around me chanting "it's today it's today"

 I giggled at her enthusiasm for my audition even though my stomach was flipping with each breath. My dog cookie yelped in sync with our expressions and I picked her up, hugging her tight so her fur pressed up against my chest. 

Cookie was a yorkshire terrier and i loved her with all my heart, she was my best friend considering i didn't have too many friends at school, i have always been seen as the drama geek and no boys really took interest in me either. 

I was far too nervous to eat breakfast so I just pulled on some white converse and sighed, pushing open the front door, My mother rushed up behind me and pulled a white beanie over my head and I squealed taking it off faster than she could protest 

"mom my hair!" "right right sorry" she laughed smoothing my curls with her hand as I poked my bottom lip out playfully "come on then we don't wanna be late" she grabbed her keys and we made our way toward the car. 

I shivered as I shut the door and clicked my seat belt "that's why I gave you a beanie" my mother laughed flipping the key so the engine spluttered to life I rolled my eyes when she looked away and muttered "beauty is pain beauty is pain" causing my mother to let out another chuckle "you're ridiculous youngin" 

We were in the car racing towards the audition as i was singing  louder than my racing thoughts to distract that ever growing butterfly swarm dominating my stomach "Hey now, you're an all-star get your game on go play, hey now you're a rock star get the show on get paid, and all that glitters is gold", "Only shooting stars break the mold!" My mom finished with a triumph, screaming the lyrics with me

We rounded the last corner as I saw the brick building looming before us and my nerves completely overtook my emotions again. Singing was one of the things that calmed me and whisked me away to another world when i was feeling anxious or having one of my panic attacks, even though i wasn't a good singer at least i wasn't tone deaf and i always screamed at the top of my lungs whenever there was music playing that I knew well. 

Our car pulled into a parking lot, my mother grinned at me all goofy like before throwing open the door. I did the same but i wasn't grinning i felt faint and my introverted side instantly put a protective shell around me. My breathing quickened as i hesitantly started towards the door.


"Y/N Y/L/N?" A lady dressed in a classy black pencil skirt and blouse called as she stood in the doorway to the audition room. I squeezed my mothers hand tightly and turned to her for encouragement, "you'll be great, don't panic honey" she smiled sweetly and i got to my feet and walked towards the lady who beamed a warm smile "right this way please" she exclaimed holding out her arm in the direction of the hallway.

 I entered the dull lit room and my eyes focused on the duffer brothers who's eyes twinkled with curiosity. Next to them sat a dark haired man and a blonde lady who also held note pads, i expected they would be the ones who were reading the script to me.

 I pasted a fake smile on my face as i gulped and the butterflies in my stomach flew violently out of formation causing me to feel faint with anxiety. 

"Hello Y/N" Matt duffer chimed "please introduce yourself to the camera then when you're ready start reading your lines, good luck". Fear controlled my body at this point but i managed to get my words out "My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 14 years old, 5"3 and i am auditioning for the role of Darcy Longhill (which in this story is one of nancy's friends btw) in stranger things season three"

 I nodded towards the script reader and she began "Please just listen to me Darcy I don't care if you don't like me but you have to believe me, we have to leave now! we have to, trust me here." she read out perfectly. 

My mind raced through my lines searching for what came next "I don't understand what is going on, why can't you just tell me Nancy" I shouted making my voice sound shaky and desperate as my brow furrowed. "We have no time, i'll tell you everything later i promise okay, we need to leave otherwise we will die do you understand" The lady read out again. I replied perfecting line after line until my audition was over. 

"Thank you for coming in Y/N" Ross Duffer stated we will be in touch over the next few weeks if we decide to cast you" I curled my mouth into a toothy grin before turning and walking toward the exit "I did it" I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding in and smiled to myself as I made my way down the hall.

A/N: Thank you for choosing my story i hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'm sorry if there are any typos and that Noah wasn't in this one but i promise he'll come into the story soon <3 

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