25 - Bruises

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Word Count: 1065



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I was still staring at Y/N suspiciously when we all heard the door slam from down stairs, I watched as her eyes grew big and fear overtook her expression painted across her face. Her gaze shot from me and Millie toward her bedroom door before she ran over to close it and turned back to us, "you guys need to go now!" she whispered sharply running over to the window and throwing it open, 

I looked towards Millie who was staring at me in shock "what why?! we just got here" Millie asked, concern filled her voice and her brow was furrowed in question. I saw Y/N open her mouth to speak but she was interrupted by a masculine voice yelling from down stairs "Y/N ARRRE YOUUUUP THERRRE" his words seemed slurred as if he was tired or drunk,

 I looked at Y/N who gulped deeply and then walked swiftly to me and Millie "come on quick, out out" Y/N pushed us toward the window and motioned for us to climb out "I'm not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on" Millie said softly "are you okay Y/N/N?" but she didn't get a chance to answer since there was a sharp knock at her bedroom door

 "YOU IN THERE BITCH!?" I looked at Y/N who was standing with her back against the door and her finger to her lips, silently begging us to keep quiet. "ALLRIGHT HAVEIT YOURR WAY" more slurred shouting came from the other side of the door before there was a huge crash and the door Y/N was leaning on burst open causing her to fall to the floor and slide across stopping at Millie's feet as she let out a small groan. 

Millie knelt down quickly and helped her up into a hug as Y/N's father emerged from the hallway with his fists clenched. "Why didn't you answer me" he snarled, grabbing her by the ear and looking from me to Millie and then back to his quivering daughter in front of him 

"I-I'm sorry dad" Me and Millie stared at her in silence for a few second before I watched in horror as her father raised his hand and slapped Y/N across the face as she whimpered in pain. I felt sick to my stomach and the lump in my throat only grew larger "HEY WHAT THE HELL MAN!" I screamed stepping in front of her 

"get out of my house sonny, your not a part of this" "you're supposed to be her father, your not supposed hurt her" his scowl shot through mine "come on Y/N/N you can stay at mine tonight" I spat as I grabbed her hand and walked out the bedroom door with Millie trotting behind us.

As soon as I pulled the front door shut I wrapped my arms around Y/N's small frame as she shook. Tears stung my own eyes and before I knew it they were spilling down my cheeks, my heart ached with guilt, how did I not know about her father? why didn't she tell me? 

 We heard Millie clear her throat from behind me and we pulled apart as I held her at arm's length "are you okay" she nodded her head but I could tell she wasn't. Damn it Y/N. I let go of her quivering shoulders and turned to Millie "The Uber is nearly here" she said softly and as if it was on cue a sleek black car pulled up and we all rushed to our ride.


I sat on Noah's bed in silence with Millie next to me both waiting for Noah to return with the hot chocolates. He had given me one of his hoodies to wear as pyjamas which he said was even a little large on him, but I didn't mind and Millie said I looked cute.

 He had given me one of his hoodies to wear as pyjamas which he said was even a little large on him, but I didn't mind and Millie said I looked cute

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Noah entered the room holding three mugs in his hands, he carefully gave Millie one before handing me mine with a gentle smile, as I took it my fingers brushed against his hand causing him to blush a deep shade of red and Millie noticed - a smirk dancing across her lips. 

I looked down in embarrassment noticing a bruise on my thigh and I remembered something that had happened when I was younger. I was 6 and my father had hit me the night before but I still had to go to school and keep it a secret from everyone even though a bruise was clearly visible on my thigh.

 I walked through the school gates and Pearl was waiting by a brick wall with her so called "friends" giggling and whispering as I got closer I caught wind of what they were gossiping about, "did you see Y/N yesterday her lip was split down the middle and she had a bruise on her shoulder" "maybe she fell out of a tree" one of them added "I heard that her mother abuses her" another girl said, that enraged me. 

I marched toward them "HEY!" I yelled causing them to whip around, a snarl crossed Pearl face as she cross her arms and waiting for be to say something else "My mother doesn't abuse me, how dare you!" I screamed in my squeaky six year old voice "I fell off my bike..." I trailed off before turning on my heel and sauntering off in the opposite direction as their mocking laughs echoed through the school yard.

 "Y/N? Y/N!" I snapped back to reality and Millie was calling my name as her and Noah stared at me filled with concern. "oh-uh sorry I kinda zoned out" I said setting down my mug and laying down on the pillow of the queen sized bed, Noah sighed as he too lay his head down next to mine and Millie walked to the guest room down the hall. "goodnight Y/N/N" Noah smiled tracing circles on my palm "night schnapp" I chuckled lightly and with that we both dozed off to sleep.

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