18 - first one to the pond

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Word Count: 1284

Word Count: 1284Edited

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A/N first of all idk how you spell mum/mom where your from but in New Zealand we spell it like 'mum' so that's what I've be doing <3

One week later

I was in an Uber with my mum driving to the airport since i had just gotten out of the hospital, Noah and Millie had packed my bags back at the hotel for me and were bringing them to the airport where they were going to meet me to fly home together. 

"are you sure you feel okay honey" my mother said to me for the 4000th time today her voice laced with sympathy, a tranquil smile tugged at my lips "I'm perfectly fine mum" i replied reassuringly, her face slackened, her brow furrowed - eyes darting about in concern as if she were searching for a fault in my lie.

 "I hope you fall in love with someone who understands everything you don't say Y/N/N"  my gaze shot up to her face which was still twisted in concern "what?" i said slowly but my mother didn't reply she just smiled contently and glanced out the window watching the city bustle of New York zoom past. 

fall in love?! did she think i was in love w-with noah? i thought to myself, wait...was i in love with noah? no of course not I'm only 14, anyway if i was it would complicate things i could never be in love with noah, never, i promised myself as i felt the car come to a rolling stop "we are here" the Uber driver said turning around to my mum, and we climbed out of the car immediately getting crowded with cameras and microphones "Y/N Y/L/N is it true you were hit by a car?" "Y/N over here!" "Are you paralysed in one of your legs Y/N are the rumours true?" questions flew at me from every angle and some security guards noticed from the airport entrance and started making their way toward us. 

I helped mum gather her luggage from the boot and we attempted to make our way through the sea of reporters. The guards had finally reached us and were now shoving the cameras out of our face and pushing through the crowd until we got inside the airport "do you guys wanna wait in the star lounge until your flight?" one of the security guards asked and my mother nodded vigorously as she pushed another microphone away from her mouth.


I had been on the plane back to Atlanta and now i was lying on my bed with noah next to me and it was 8:45 pm. "so what exactly does this thing do?" Noah asked pointing to a thick white band around my rib cage (if you don't know what im talking about here's a photo below)

I rolled onto my back and put another piece of popcorn in my mouth "well supposedly it's like a cast for broken ribs" I answered throwing a popcorn kernel up in the air and catching in my mouth but instead of chewing on it, the popcorn went straig...

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I rolled onto my back and put another piece of popcorn in my mouth "well supposedly it's like a cast for broken ribs" I answered throwing a popcorn kernel up in the air and catching in my mouth but instead of chewing on it, the popcorn went straight into my windpipe, I sat up exploding in a fit of coughing and giggles as Noah patted me on the back in attempt to help my coughs 

"that wasn't i good idea" I managed to say through my mix of laughing and coughing "nope, it sure wasn't" Noah giggled before hopping off the bed when my coughing finally stopped "wanna go for a walk?" he asked "It's 9pm Noah don't you think it's kinda dark" "that's what torches are for" he said walking forward to touch his finger on my nose and grabbing his phone to switch on the flashlight. 

I rolled my eyes as I peeled my body off my bed and walked toward the door, switching on my own flashlight. I followed Noah out into the hall before my mother stopped me "Honey where are you going at this time of night?" "we were just gonna go to the park or something" I said glancing down at my shoes, I was hoping we wouldn't of been caught because she would never let us go 

"okay but remember your staying at your fathers for a week and you have filming tomorrow so don't be too late" she said planting a soft kiss on my forehead before turning to Noah "be careful" she said eyeballing Noah and he quickly nodded. 

Wow my mother actually said yes ?!? "do I have to go to dads?" I questioned shyly "you haven't seen him in years honey so yes you do have to go, it's only for a week" my throat tightened as anxiety filled my body, I hadn't seen him since I was 7 but he used to abuse me and I never told anyone not even my mother and now she's sending me off to him again, maybe he has changed? ... hopefully he has changed. Noah noticed my furrowed brow and he gently placed his hand on my back "come on Y/N/N" I gave my mother one last scowl before turning toward Noah and leaving out the front door.

We walked toward the park hand in hand and I smiled at his beautiful expression plastered across his face. (damn this is boring sorry I'm not in the mood to write but I gotta keep updating this fanfic) I felt him staring at me which made my cheeks flush hot but I refused to make eye contact, as we neared the park I saw the street light cast dull shadows over the dark green grass that covered the ground, my eyes scanned the park and lay upon a huge pond smack bang in the middle with a few dazed swans gliding over the glassy water, the wind blew cold and I turned to Noah as an idea rushed into my mind 

"last one to the pond has to jump in... GO!" I shouted as my legs started taking control and I sprinted toward the pond at top speed hearing Noah's feet pounding on the grass behind me. My legs pumped faster and stronger as the pond got closer and closer, Noah reared up next to me and laughed at my shocked expression that grew larger on my face, determined I turned my attention back to winning the race and I threw my body forward urging my feet to go faster, I tore ahead of Noah and fell to the ground panting hard. 

The brunette boy lay next to me "damn you're fast" he giggled, we both stared up at the night sky as we switched off the flashlights on our phones, the stars above us wink dimly, I turned to Noah and he looked into my eyes - his twinkling in the soft glow of a nearby street light. 

I looked at the time on my phone It's 10:30 Noah we should probably go soon, but I looked back up to him and he was smiling softly "you're really beautiful Y/N Y/L/N" his voice rang out in a perfect melody and I felt my cheeks grow red and my heart beat faster against my chest, I bit my lip and looked down but I felt Noah's fingers under my chin as he lifted it up so my gaze was inline with his, I opened my mouth to say something but before I could I felt Noah's gentle lips meet mine in a delicate kiss.

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