6 - batman

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Word Count: 926

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I stared at Noah in shock, and i noticed that he didn't mean to say it because he went a deep shade of red and bit his lip while avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry" he started frantically "It just slipped out, but it's the truth Y/N I really do li-" I cut him off by pulling him into a warm hug and saying softly in his ear "No Noah don't apologise, I like you too" we fell into silence as I felt his chest against mine deflate in relief, before he pulled back and smiled at me shyly "really?" "yes Noah" i tenderly grin at him and he wrapped his arms around me once again. 

I relaxed into his grip closing my eyes and feeling instantly safer, all the pain from my cheek went away, all the screaming and commotion from outside died down and the whole world seemed to freeze in those perfect moments. "Am I interrupting something" I heard someone call out, I opened my eyes and saw Finn standing there with a cheeky smirk spread across his face.

 I quickly pulled back from Noah and smoothed my blood stained sweater. "n-no" i stammered "we were just..." Finn rolled his eyes and giggled before saying "well the car is here it's gonna take you to the hospital to get stitches" Thats when the pain from the cut came gushing back to me and a small whimper of pain escaped my lips by accident. 

Noah's glance shot toward me and his face crumbled in concern. "I-I'm fine" I managed to get out and I started walking toward the door, holding the blood soaked towel up to my cheek. I stepped into the light with Noah on one side of me and Finn on the other. There were paparazzi everywhere the sound of camera shutters fill the atmosphere and voices calling out to me from everywhere shoving microphones in my face from every angle possible.

 Noah, Finn and the body guards tried their best to push them away and shelter me but the reporters were still getting photos of me with blood all over my top and face. "Y/N! What happened to your face!" "Y/N Why are you bleeding" "Y/N was there an attempted murder or did you do it to yourself" There were dramatic questions shooting at me over and over again but i ignored them all and the security shoved them away as they guided me and the boys to the car where Millie was waiting anxiously.

 "Oh my god Y/N" Millie gushed as i got in the car "Are you okay, what happened!" "woah Millie calm down" Noah chuckled I turn to millie and smiled softly "Me and Finn where just talking and then a fan noticed us which triggered all the others around her and as they were trying to take photos of us one of their rings cut my face but I'm truly fine it just hurts a bit" I said all at once.

  Millie and Noah just stared at me in shock before Finn broke the silence by saying "we have to get her to the hospital for stitches" Millie and Noah's heads nodded in unison and the driver started heading for the hospital.


I just got back home from the hospital and it was 8:45pm and I was lying on my bed contemplating Y/N words today. She said she liked me too but what does this mean?, I decided to text her. 

Noah: hey 😁 you feeling any better?

Y/N: yeah a bit thank you

Noah: are you okay?🙂

Y/N: yeah im just worried that I won't get the part
in season 3 anymore since i have a ridiculous cut in my face!😒

Noah: Aw it's okay the Duffers would never do that,
they'll find a way to make it a part of the story line I'm sure😊

Y/N: yeah maybe...

Noah: Hey the reason i texted you is because i was
wondering if you wanted to come out for froyo
tomorrow or something like that...

delivered 8:52

seen 8:53

Y/N didn't answer for some time and i was starting to worry if I had been too forward before my phone finally lit up ad relief filled my heart. 

Y/N: Yes i guess so I'm just nervous about going out

 in public again after my last experience haha

Noah: It's okay I'll protect you 😂

STUPID STUPID STUPID i banged my head against my desk again and again why would is say that, she wouldn't get my sarcasm, i just made myself look like a complete loser! My phone lit up and my heart dropped before i unlocked my phone and hesitantly looked at the text.

Y/N: Hahaha okay loser, don't turn into batman on me now 😂💓

I sighed so relieved at her answer and my crush on her increased as i realised she had a good sense of humor and didn't make the situation awkward. wait did she send a heart ?!?! 

Y/N: I'll see you tomorrow at 9am 'Lisa's Fro-yo' batman!

My body filled with joy as i scrolled through my camera roll and found the video of Y/N singing Chandelier earlier that morning and posted it captioning 'this one is a true angel ❤️😂' i pressed post and turn of my phone as i lay down to sleep

A/N: sorry a bit of a shorter one :)

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