|| brown ||

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"so, if you had to choose one of us, cheongah," donghyuck had started off, immediately catching the older boy's attention as well as the girl's. the three were sprawled across mark's room, and a few short moments passed before the younger boy spoke again, "which one of us would you rather date?"

"mark," no hesitation was evident in her voice as she said that, and when donghyuck let out a dramatic gasp she couldn't help but laugh slightly. mark on the other one didn't laugh, his face was really red. though, he couldn't hide that he felt a bit confident after that, maybe even a bit smug.

"look what you did cheong! you made him all smug!" at the younger guy's exclamation the girl looked at mark, catching his eyes almost instantly only to notice that his eyes had turned a color she hadn't seen them turn before. of course she had seen him with brown eyes as it was the color of his contact lenses, but never like this.

her head tilted to the side slightly, "brown means smugness?"

mark cleared his throat slightly before shaking his head from side to side, a small blush still lingering on his face. his eyes had a few tints of pink here and there as well now.

"yeah, it does, first time i've seen it," a snort left donghyuck and cheongah let a small giggle leave her.

"it isn't very often he gets smug."


with a small grunt mark slumped down beside cheongah on his bed. the older one had just walked the other boy to the door, and the two were now alone.

"mark, can i ask you a question?" her voice filled his ears, and his head snapped towards her in such a fast manner the girl feared his head would actually snap off. at his fast movement he felt rather embarrassed himself, but he nodded his head.

"earlier your eyes were brown, but they were a tiny bit pink as well, what does that mean?" with his arms he pushed himself to a sitting positing, making it a tad easier to look into the girl's eyes.

he had found out about it himself; what it meant if his eyes had two different colors, because it wasn't like anyone could tell him.

the first time it happened was when he was around twelve years old, at least that was what he could remember. it happened at home and his eyes were white before it happened. then he started questioning his eyes. what was up with them? was he the only one with this disease like thing? was it because of them his real parents had left him?

all the overwhelming feelings and thoughts resulted in his eyes turning red. a deep and dark red, with spots of grey here and there.

he was rather perplexed at that time.

"it means i'm feeling two different emotions at the same time," mark snapped back to reality, remembering how cheongah had asked him about it. she nodded.

"can i try something?" his breath hitched as she moved closer to him. the narrow space made him nervous, and it was a bit difficult to get any words out in the beginning, but after calming down his heart, he muttered out, "what do you wanna try?"

"i want to see what color your eyes get when i do this," a sheepish smile spread across the girl's face. she was cute.

their noses were almost touching after she leaned in a bit closer. his eyes turned wider, his breath getting stuck in his throat.

"do what?" mark heard his own voice tremble, and the girl surely did as well, a small snicker leaving her.

then she leaned over, placing a tender kiss on his cheek, it immediately getting colored red. it tickled in a way, not only on his cheek but inside him as well. at the pinkness of his eyes she couldn't help but smile, "also, i think i might like you."

then the brown shade started appearing, and the girl felt rather satisfied with the two colors. cheongah was easy to read and he could easily see that she was satisfied with both his embarrassment and smugness.

she was an odd girl indeed. an odd girl who had feelings for a rather odd guy. it hadn't hit him just yet what she had said. for a few seconds it seemed as if the boy was in a daze, his eyes never leaving hers. then the color changed completely from brown and pink. her words hit him like he had been slapped, in a good way kind of.

his eyes were now a very bright green.

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