|| dark red ||

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cheongah quickly learned that mark was a perfectionist. he was extremely hard-working and when he, for example, couldn't find the right words for the song or poem he was working on, his eyes could easily turn that deep dark red. cheongah also learned rather fast that mark liked poetry, both poems and songs. he was extremely good with words when he wasn't speaking them, whether it was singing or writing. he was even a good rapper!

it was a beautiful color, really, how sad that it meant a rather negative emotion.

and this time when she experienced the red color, the situation was a bit different.

you see, mark wasn't necessarily the jealous type, but he did have his moments, and that day he had one of those moments. to make it even better, his day already went downhill the moment he woke up as he had overslept and missed his bus. to make it even even better, his best friend was involved too.

donghyuck was mischievous and had gotten this weird goal to get mark's eyes to turn dark green. when cheongah had asked mark about the color he had simply brushed her question off, a small blush covering his cheeks.

"what is he to you?" mark wasn't too loud during arguments, and he wasn't that loud during this one either, but he was nowhere near calm. his dark red eyes giving his frustration away.

"he's just messing with you, you know he's nothing more than a friend," the boy was leaning against the wall by his bed which cheongah was sitting on, and his arms found their way around himself.

on top of missing the bus mark had also accidentally spilled coffee on his newest song, so he lost both his coffee and his hard work. then donghyuck came into the picture, wrapping his arm around the girl, making her laugh because of his stupid jokes. he did everything to get a reaction from the older one, though, the younger one gave up by the end of the day, leaving cheongah with the frustrated boy.

"are you sure?" mark had until he said that been avoiding her eyes, and when they locked eyes after the last word had left him, she noticed the two colors present in his eyes.

dark red and dark green.

a loud breath escaped her lips, and she pushed herself to a standing position. she moved towards the boy and when she was standing in front of him, she crossed her arms, her lips forming a frown.

"mark, believe me when i say that donghyuck isn't more than a close friend," cheongah tried locking eyes with her boyfriend once again, but he kept looking down at his feet, and she thought for a few moments. then she wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him closer so their noses were touching, and she finally found his eyes before she spoke again, "please believe me."

finally she saw the dark shades of red and green in his eyes disappear. then his eyes turned dark blue, no signs of the red or the green color. his arms snaked around her lower back, and he placed a kiss on her forehead before placing one on her cheek.

"okay, i believe you."


"i did my best on the essay, and one of my classmates told me it's just because the teacher likes me that i got a good response," the young boy rambled to his mom who was sitting in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in her hands. mark had just started fifth grade, and he had always been interested in writing and always been pretty good at it too.

"well, it's because you're good at writing you get the compliments you get and you do know that. don't let what they say get to you," a huff escaped mark as he hurriedly got his contact lenses out, suddenly finding them annoying. the dark red color surprised his mother a bit as she had seen her son get mad before.

she knew anger wasn't dark red, so he wasn't angry.

"but still, it just makes me so.. frustrated that they can't accept that i'm good at something," the boy felt his hair get ruffled, and he let out a groan as he looked at his dad who just had walked into the kitchen. at his eye color the dad furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his wife.

"new color?" at that mark's attention was caught, and he ran out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. he focused on his eyes in the mirror and yet again a groan left him.

"my eyes are so messed up, and that makes me even more frustrated!" his voice echoed through their home, and his mom covered her mouth, letting out muffled laughs at the sudden outburst.

"he already acts like a teenager."

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