Buzzfeed Unsolved ft. Nico and Will

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Nico and Will walked into the abandoned hospital, a wave of coldness suddenly washing over them.

"Did you just feel that?" Nico asked, tension already seeping into his voice.

"Yeah, Nico. It's this thing called the wind," Will replied.

"Oh, shut up. You never know! It could be something supernatural."

Will looked into the camera with a dead look and shook his head.

"Anyways, where are we today?" Nico asked. They began the list of things they're supposed to say, like the place and the history of it.

After that was over, they started exploring the hospital. They ended up in a break room, a place that was said to be haunted by a doctor who performed experiments on patients.

"Oh fuck, this is so creepy," Nico said quietly.

The only light source was from their flashlights and it gave everything in the room a bigger, more daunting shadow. Not much was in the break room. A couple of tables and chairs here and there and one lonely window that was opposite from the door. The white paint, decorated with graffiti, was slowly peeling off.

"Okay, if there is anybody with us right now, say something!" Nico yelled.

Will, as usual, tried to play along at first. The pair waited in the dark for probably about a minute before Will broke the silence.

"Come out, you ghostly heathen!" Will yelled.

Nico laughed and wheezed out, "What the fuck?"

"Yeah, that's right! I called you a heathen! How do you feel about that?!"

"Please ignore my taller and stupider friend here!"

Nothing ended up happening so they ventured on to the next area. They walked over to a rather desolate hospital wing where it is said that a little girl had died here and was now haunting this area.

They strolled over to a random room and decided to each wait in there for a minute.

"I'll go first!" Will declared.

Nico happily resigned and let the other man go into the room first.

Will let the darkness consumed him and waited patiently in the room.

"So, any ghosts here on this fine evening?"

Silence was the answer.

"Oh, little girl," Will sang. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

Outside, Nico whispered, "He is so stupid."

Everntually, Will's minute was up and he walked out of the room saying, "Well, that was a waste of time!"

Nico rolled his eyes and said, "Guess it's my turn now."

He approached the room apprehensively.

"Um, if there any ghosts here right now, say something!" Nico's voice wavered a little bit.

The silence that followed was a bit frightening to Nico, to be honest. Nico gulped and continued.

"If you're here, little girl," Nico paused. "Say my name, Nico!"

Nico waited. He was about to say something else when he heard a tiny voice whisper, "Nico."

Nico jumped and looked around, his eyes wide with fear.

"Stay..." the voice whispered again.

"Yeah, nope, not staying for this shit." Nico quickly strided out, his heart hammering.

Will laughed at the bewildered look on Nico's face. "Dude, what happened in there?"

"Someone was in there," Nico's voice shook and he still looked a bit freaked out. "They said my name and the word stay." Nico emphasized the last word with wild hand gestures.

"It could've been like a rat or something making noise. Maybe you mistook it for someone saying something."

Nico gave Will a pointed look. "A rat? Really?"

Will nodded and said, "It's possible."

"This is why nothing happened to you! Ghosts only talk to believers!"

Will scoffed. He looked into the camera and shook his head again.

"Whatever, let's go down to the basement," Nico said.

They walked down the spooky steps and into the dank basement. In his hands, Nico held a device supposedly let ghosts talk to them.

Nico and Will stood side by side.

"You ready?" Nico asked Will with a sly smile.

"Yep, ready for nothing to happen!"

Nico only sighed and shook his head. He proceeded to turn the knob on the device and let the static fill the room.

"If there's anybody with us, say something!" Nico said.

Nico turned around to talk to Will be find no one beside him.

"Um, Will?" Nothing met his ears besides the loud static coming from the device.

Then Nico felt a cold, clammy hand touch his neck.

"AHH!" Nico jumped and punched whoever was behind him. The perpetrator landed against the wall with an "oof" and Nico used this time to shine his flashlight at whoever it was.

"What...the...actual...shit," Nico growled.

Will was hunched over, laughing and wheezing. "You were so scared dude!"

Nico huffed and looked away. "No I wasn't."

"Um, yeah you were." Will retorted.

"Nope, wasn't scared."

"Yesss, you were."

Nico and Will looked at each other, wide-eyed and mouths slacking. Because it wasn't Will who said the last part. And it sure as hell wasn't Nico.

"Was...was that a ghost?" Nico stammered.

Will didn't answer. Instead he opted for staring at the box in Nico's hands intently.

Then Will burst into laughter. "Oh my god, even the ghost thinks that you were scared!"

"No, I wasn't!" Nico squawked. He punched Will in the arm. "Let's just get outta here."

Both of them gave the room one last tentative look before making their way towards the exit with Will teasing Nico about getting scared and Nico stubbornly countering the accusations.


The next day, they went over the footage that they had gotten. And both boys stared at the video dumbfounded when they heard a voice say, "They are so into each other," as they were leaving.


A/n: idek what this one shot is. There's no actual fluff in it, I just wanted to write a buzzfeed unsolved au whoops. Disclaimer: the hospital they were in isn't a real place!!

Anyways, the other day, everyone started breaking out into applause during lunch for no apparent reason. Like, just straight up applause. It was truly one of the most magical things I've ever seen.

Edit: I have received intel that it was bc two students started a clapping battle(??) and ppl automatically started clapping along...

-Victoria :)

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