Arcade Date

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"Let's go on a date!" Will exclaimed suddenly.

They were currently cuddling on the couch in their shared apartment watching movies.

"Okay, sure. Where do you wanna go?" Nico asked.

"How about we go to an arcade?" Will suggested.

"Fine, but just a warning, I'm gonna beat you at everything." Nico taunted, with a smug grin

Will on scoffed and said, "As if. Wanna make a bet? If you lose even one game, you have to put on a costume and flaunt it around in public. Deal?" Will extended his hand.

Nico thought about it for a moment. He was confident that he would win. "Deal," he said, shaking Will's hand.


The two entered the arcade. It was dimly lit and most of the light source was coming from video game screens. Kids of all ages ran around the arcade. A few coins and tickets for prizes were scattered on the ground.

Nico loved the arcade. He discovered his gift for playing the games at a young age. More times than not, he would manage to beat everyone.

The more he came to the arcade, the more strategies he could gather for future visits. He couldn't wait to show off his skills to Will.

Will went over to a racing game and Nico followed. 'This was going to be easy,' Nico thought.

Will had always thought that he was a pro at racing games. He had always won when he played against his friends. So he thought, why not start out strong and beat Nico already?

They chose their cars and avatars and waited for the countdown to finish.





Vroom! Will sped off ahead of Nico. Will tried his best to turn at the right times and dodge obstacles, all while maintaining his speed.

Nico, on the other hand, slowed down at the turns and accelerated again when the road was clear. He carefully maneuvered around multiple obstacles and before he knew it, Nico was ahead of Will.

Nico ended up 1st place with Will coming in right after him at 2nd.

"No fair," Will pouted.

"Sorry! All's fair if you're really good at video games. I told you I'm a pro at these," Nico countered.

"Hmph, whatever. But at the end of the night, I promise you, I will beat you at something," Will said confidently.

"We'll see," was all Nico said before choosing the next game.


All throughout their date, Will chose games that he was certain he would have a good chance of winning. But Nico always won at the end, strategically beating Will at everything.

As they scoured the arcade for a game they didn't play yet, Will's eyes lit up when they landed on Dance Dance Revolution.

"Hey! Let's play that!" Will shouted.

Nico nodded nervously and gulped. Dance was not his thing. He always avoided that dreadful machine whenever he came to the arcade.

'Oh gods, I'm going to make a fool of myself,' Nico thought.

They got onto the platforms and started the game.

As the music started up, arrows flowed down the screen. As time wore on, it got more complicated.

Will was good. He moved his feet along to the arrows on the screen and seemed to be having fun, even though he missed some notes.

However, Nico seemed frustrated. He tried keeping up but his feet seemed to tangle up all the time. It was as if his brain couldn't send the instructions on what to do to his feet fast enough.

Halfway through, Nico gave up and opted for staring at his boyfriend. Will was sweating but combined with the artificial light coming from the game, he seemed to glow. His eyes were glued to the game and his mouth was slightly agape in the form of a smile.

Will glanced over to Nico and gave him a victorious smile, knowing that he won.


"Ha! I knew I could beat you at something! Who knew the all powerful gaming lord would lose at Dance Dance Revolution?" Will teased.

The two boys were seated in a photo booth, since Will said he needed a victory photoshoot.

Nico rolled his eyes just as the flash went off, signalling that the first picture was taken.

So the first photo was Nico rolling his eyes at Will (with a small grin tugging at his lips) and Will giving the camera a toothy smile with his fingers on top of Nico's head, forming bunny ears.

The second photo showed Will and Nico making silly faces. Nico had crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue while Will scrunched up face.

Right before the third photo, Will leaned over and kissed Nico. The flash went off. And so the third photo showed Nico, eyes wide with shock and Will, with his eyes closed and his lips on Nico's.

The fourth and final photo showcased both boys still kissing each other. Nico had wrapped his arms around Will's neck and Will's arms surrounded Nico's waist. Both of them were smiling onto each other's lips.


"BA-CAWK!" Nico shouted loudly on the sidewalk. Multiple people gave him weird looks and scurried away.

Will stood by laughing. He had chosen a chicken costume for Nico to wear since he lost the bet.

"Oh.. my gods! You.. look.. ridiculous!" Will said as he gasped for air.

Nico shot him countless death glares in between clucks. Even though he was extremely embarrassed, Nico smiled a bit in his head from hearing Will's laugh.

After five minutes of torture, Will let Nico off the hook and helped Nico out of the costume.

"You were a nice chicken," Will commented as they were walking back to their apartment.

"Ha ha," Nico said sarcastically.

"What?" Will said, feigning innocence."You were an adorable chicken."

Nico only whacked his boyfriend in the arm while Will laughed again as they walked home.

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