Chapter 6

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###########BRENDA'S P.O.V.##############

..I tiptoed to the door and looked out the peephole in the door.

I sighed a breath of relief, it was Hunter. Although I was relieved, I was also surprised. I was expecteing Clare to come over after readiing that message. Thank goodness she didn't though. I opened the door "Hey Hunter, whatcha doin here?"

"Well.. I-I just thought maybe we could you know, like, hang out?"He mumbled

"Yeah! Just like old times!!! We're BFFs!" I exclaimed

"Just like old times..." he mumbled

*****************Hunter's P.O.V.**************************

Truth to be told, I didn't want to be best friends with Brenda.... I wanted to be more than that...

I settled down on the couch while she went to get some lemonade. My phone buzzed with a text message from...Drew?

Drew Kim: Where are you?

Me: Brenda's house.  Jealous?

I typed with a smug face. I was winning

Drew Kim: What're you doing?!?! Are you on a date?!?!

Me: Well... Not exactly... What's it to you anyways? What, cheating on Clare?

Drew Kim: NO! I'd never cheat! I broke up with her!

Woah,,, I was astonished.... Drew broke up with Clare? Ooohhh Clare was going to get him bacl!

Me: Whatever man, what do you want?

Drew Kim: 1. What's her number? 2. Can I come over?

Me: What. Are you too chicken to ask her for her number? Ha! You? Chicken?! This is amazing! And no. You can't come over! You'll just ruin my date

Drew Kim: You aren't exactly on a date. And I'm NOT chicken! I just... Don't want her to think things

Me: Whatever, gotta go. I can't keep Brenda waiting

I set my phone on silent just as Brenda walked in

"Sorry for taking so long..." She set down the tray

"That's okay, it's your house! Do whatever you want" I replied

"So, whaddya wanna do?" She asked

"So I was wondering... What do you think of Drew?" I asked casually



Yay! Summer! More uploading! Alright.....

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