Chapter 23: Just a bad dream... Yeah a bad dream that's real

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Chapter 23;

It's already been a few days since Mayuki and Kasumi have got here. Sadly the drunken guard of the Garrison didn't catch the man and he fled. We weren't gonna let the man take the women until we find a place nobody will know where they are or they catch the man.

I sigh at the thought when Eren came running towards, I steadied my wooden knife and he kicked, punched... Uhhh he tried bitting? Oh my gosh Eren no... Just just... Just no! Once he stopped all that *fighting* I jumped up and used both my legs while in the air to kick him in the stomach. "You said you were gonna go easy on me!" He said as I ran up to him and held the knife to his neck.

"Nope I lied" I stuck my tongue out as he mumbled a few things. "Okay so I already went with Krista, Asshole, Mikasa, Sasha and Connie... Now I need to go to Armin" I sighed sadly when Armin came up to me and I handed over the knife. "Easiest job" I whispered and he giggled.

Oh no way was I gonna hurt Armin... He's like a big/little brother to me. I smiled when Armin came running towards me. I dodged the knife and kicked the knife out of his hand. I ran towards the knife and when Armin turned around I held the knife close to his neck. "We need to work on your skill" I said sticking my tongue out and he giggled.

"YOU'RE AMAZING AKA-SENPAI!" Since when is this high school? I shrugged and picked Kasumi up. "I guess... Just a lot of practice" I said smiling and she giggled and her eyes lit up. "I WANNA JOIN THE MILITARY WHEN IM BIG LIKE YOU!" She said as I tensed a bit. "Yeah... You- you do that" I said as I put her on the ground. She waved goodbye and ran back to her room.

"Hey Akane" I turned around and saw commander Irwin "Commander?" I said my head tilted up... Why can't people be short like Levi "could you get miss Mayuki?" He said as I saluted "Hai!" I ran towards the room which was fairly close. "Mayuki?" I said as I knocked on the door. "Come in!" Somebody on the inside said as I peak my head through the door. "Excuse me Mayuki commander Irvin would like to see you" I said as I took a look around the room.

"Okay!" Mayuki said as she got up from the bed. Seemed her leg wasn't broken but sprained!

Mayuki came out and she gave me Kasumi. "While I'm gone can you take care of her for a bit? It's almost her nap time so she should get her rest soon" Mayuki said smiling as she walked outside. I stayed in the room and I turned around. "Whatcha wanna do Kasumi-Chan?" Her eyes lit up when I said chan... I never use those terms but since she used them... Why not let the girl be happy?

~Time skip~

It was pretty late now. Kasumi was exhausted. I took her and placed her on the bed and tucked her in. "Take you're nap" I said as I smiled and left the room.

I bumped into a jumpy Sasha. "Akane!!! We're gonna go play 7 minutes in heaven! Wanna play?" I tensed. "Oh hell naw!" I growled but she was already dragging me to the room. Eren was next to Mikasa, Armin was bed to Jean, Jean was next to Connie and Sasha sat down next to Connie and I sat down next to Armin. "Were you forced?" I whispered he giggled and nodded.

"Okay LETS START!" Sasha took a paper and it said Connie. They went in and well imagine... Jean took a paper which said Mikasa. I almost died of laughter when Eren shot him multiple glares they came out of the closet nothing happened. I was up and I got Eren. "Ohhhh Incest!" I punched Connie in the nose. "No" I said as I sat in the closer for seven minutes with Eren ranting on how Jean (asshole) was annoying.

Armin got Historia and well all in all nothing really happened. "THIS IS BOOOORIG! Nothing happened!" Sasha said and we giggled. "You know how to make this better?" Sasha said almost in a whisper as I laid me head on Eren's shoulder. "I don't wanna know" I mumbled as Eren laughed. "Remember when we went to the market? Well with some money I had saved and Connie.. We bought Pocky!" Sasha beamed as everybody tilted their heads.

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