Chapter 17: The Deceased

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~Time skip~

Thanks to the recent failure of the Recon Corps in capturing the female Titan. Me and Eren were gonna go and fall in custody of the military police. And Sasha hasn't stopped bugging me for not bringing her food. "Sasha I said that I was taken and-" "BUT YOU COULD'VE STILL TAKEN FOOD!" Sasha whined.

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in...

I ended up pinching Sasha on the shoulder.

But that didn't stop her from bugging me with the food.


"Hey Eren!" Okay so maybe I was gonna hand my problems tawards Eren. Hey what are big brothers for?! "Yeah?" Eren asked as he slowed down. "Remember that time not so long ago you went to a buffet and didn't bring food?" Eren looked confuse. But Sasha gave him a death glare and bombarded him with questions and 'YUNOBRINGMEHFOOD' that girl is too addicted to food.

I ran up to Armin and he giggled. "Ah Armin!" I put my arm around him. Which I looked ridiculous since I was smaller than him. "That was not nice Neia" Armin said but he couldn't hold back small giggles. "I know... I'm Sowwy" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Say sorry to Mikasa later" that sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh no" I said and I moved on to the person closest to me. Which was Jean.

Why oh why!

I have felt bad for Jean. It's been a while since Marco's death and when around us he will act like nothing, but I have caught him two times weeping over Marco. "Hey Jean" I gave him my best smile. He looked at me the. He kept walking. First the death of Marco and now Mikasa and Eren are a thing. Poor Jean.

I see Hanji blabbering about titans. "Hi Hanji!" I said as I walked ups towards her. "C-could I experiment on you? You're the only female Titan I can have tests on and so on"

I was dumbfounded... What was she saying?!

"Repeat the question?" I raised and eyebrow and Levi magically appeared. "No"




"No. Because N- Akane has stuff to do"

Hanji went away wining and stomping away. I giggled and Smiled at Levi. Which he pinched the bridge of his nose. "That Hanji and her experiments" Levi walked away.

I walked up to him and he walked faster. "Captain?" He walked away.

"He may have promised to protect me but... He is my superior" I sigh sadly turn around and walk the other direction.

Then I see this freckled young man quickly pass by behind Jean. I'm pretty sure that I didn't see him earlier. Then behind Levi I see an orange hair woman.

"Excuse me?" I walked behind the boy. He slightly turned around.


Levi P.o.V

That brat. She changed everything! Gah! Levi. She is just 15. I sigh deeply. "Hey four eyes!" I call out to Hanji and she turns over and smiled "SHORTY~" she said in a singsong voice.

"So when are we heading to Sina?" I ask as I make myself a cup of tea. "Irvin said in two days is the trial so in two days" Hanji said and skipped out of the room.

"I vowed to protect you didn't I?" I said to myself as she walks in the room. She looks pale as a ghost. Every inch of her body is shaking and she sits down timidly at the table.

"Jaeger?" I ask her as I stretch my hand out to her she quickly moves away.

"C-corporal. S-sorry I'll be g-going" she stands up and almost fell she starts running an I hear her scream "PETRA!" My eyes widen and I quickly go up to where she is.

She is stretching her hand out to nothingness. She stands up and again she starts shaking again. Eren quickly goes up to her. She brushes his hand away and she walks to the her room.

You can hear the lock click.

~Akane PoV

"M-Marco?" I reach my hand out and the freckled boy smiled at me "Akane! Hi" I walk away slowly.

"B-but I s-saw you... A-and" I can't just tell him he died right? "I know well. Lets just say I made a vow." He trails off and I move closer.

Then I see the same orange hair girl walk pass. I take one good look at her face. "P-Petra?" The girl smiled and walk towards me. I started shaking and ran.

"W-what?" I walked into the coffee room shaking...

"Jaeger?" Levi said and I sat down.

I'm still shaking. I didn't know if he wanted me to leave but I was sure I wasn't gonna stay. I just wanted to get out.

"C-corporal. S-sorry I'll be g-going"

I say and I walk out hastily. I see the same oranges hair girl again "PETRA!" It has to be here. The girl once again walks towards me. I fall to the ground and Petra stretches her hand towards me.

I grab it gently. It felt cold against my touch. "Hey Kid!" She smiled at me and she pressed her hand towards my cheek.

Eren walks towards me but I get out of his grasp. I quickly run to my room and close the door.

"What is this?"

"A gift"


I get startled by the same girl. Her face with a bit of dried blood on it.

She sits next to me and so does Marco. "W-why can i see you guys? Aren't you..... Deceased?" I felt rude saying that.

"We are" Marco said and he puts his hand on my shoulder. I grab it gently. "But I can see you, her you, fell your touch... Why?" I asked both of them.

The look at each other then back at me.

"We don't know... Just say a gift" Marco said as his hand leaves my touch. I lay down and go deeper in my sheets. "Good night"


I remember seeing since I was little transparent figures around me met to people.

Old ladies, Grown men,children.

I never payed attention. They would smiled but the person would never see them. Or pay attention.

End of flashback


Finally updated!! its extra long just so that you guys could be happy. as you can see I've been having a lot of stuff to do so I couldn't write anything.

Please ,





Very much appreciated thanks!


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