Chapter 2

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It did not escape her attention that he wasn't surprised at all that she opened her eyes. Or that she was kissing him back. But his lack of reaction didn't bother her. What startled her a little, and not in a bad way, was the fact that she was a willing participant in the sins of his eager mouth.

"How do I untie this bloody thing...?" she heard him whisper against her neck as he fumbled with the ribbons that held the bodice of her gown.

"That bloody thing is called a lace. And the question should be why are you trying to undo my gown?"

His actions ceased. He lifted his face off her neck.

"I'm a prince..." he said.

"And that explains everything?" she asked.

He frowned. "It doesn't. Not the fact that you have been pretending to be dead."

"Nor the fact that you are trying to get your hands under the skirt of a dead girl even if she was just pretending."

Oh, he was glad to hear her talk but they were nowhere near the topic that he had in mind. "I am Prince Phillip." He smiled disarmingly at her. "Third heir to the throne of—"

"I am Princess Aurora and how far away you are in the succession of the throne is the least of my concerns."

He was taken aback by her brutal lack of interest. Other women would have swooned if they were in any way included in the discussion of his birthright.

"I, Prince Phillip, will protect you as a loyal subject—"

"Before we talk about the kind of protection that you are willing to give, let us first discuss the obvious fact that your weight is resting comfortably on my person and I certainly do not know what to make of that."

"My body will rest anywhere it finds comfortable as I am a Prince."

"That's not a charming thing to say," she said.

"Are you mocking me?"

"My Prince, I am nothing but a girl who had to pretend to be dead to continuously receive your undying mercy, who am I to mock you?" she replied.

He wasn't sure why he found it funny but he did and he smiled. "You're defiance is so unbecoming of a lady. I like your mouth better when it doesn't issue impertinent comebacks."

"My mouth will do whatever it wants. I find it hilarious that you are addressing me as a lady after your mouth has enthusiastically defiled me."

He laughed out loud this time. "But I don't remember you protesting, Princess."

"And I don't remember you asking for permission, Prince..."

"May I?" he whispered, his gaze dropping to her lips.

Deliberately, she wet her lower lips with her tongue and he watched avidly. "Are you even sober?" she queried with an amused smile.

"I know what I'm doing," he answered almost defiantly.

"Do you?" she issued. "Are you sober enough to bargain?"

"I am a Prince and I never bargain for what I want."

"My involvement in what you have in mind doesn't come for free."

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Do you want me to keep on talking?" she queried as her hand touched the hard planes of his strong jaw. She cupped the back of his head to pull him closer before she kissed the corners of his mouth.

"Do you know the kind of game you're playing, Princess?" he said before he purposely rocked against her. "Are you sure you want to play this game?" he tested and watched as her face turned scarlet.

"I'm a willing and fervent student, Your Highness..." she countered. "But as I have said, my enthusiasm has a price."

He thought that his boldness would embarrass her but he was wrong. "What price do you have in mind?" He tried to sound diplomatic.

"My kingdom," she readily replied.

He stared at her for a second before he threw his head back and laughed. "That's too high a price for a kiss, my Princess. A kiss that any woman who's more experienced in pleasing a man would be more than happy to give."

In reply, she put a hand against his chest to gently push him off her before she sat up. "I am sure a lot of women will do your bidding, my Prince, but those women are not me," she said before she slowly undid the satiny ties of her gown. "Besides, you will not only be getting a kiss..."

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