Chapter 3

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She watched his eyes follow the timid movements of her fingers. She wasn't sure what to do next for although she heard the naughty stories from the chambermaids who regularly came to clean her bedroom, she had no idea really what they were talking about.

She realized that she was doing something right when she heard his sharp intake of breath as the outer layer of her bodice came undone. She deliberately stopped unfastening the remaining laces and his eyes immediately flew to her face.

She smiled before primly folding her hands on her lap.

"Did that get your attention?" she asked.

"Why did you stop?"

"You did not give me a valid reason to continue. A maiden doesn't just undress in front of  a man, Your Highness, even if that man is a Prince."

"A maiden is not supposed to tease a man even if that maiden is a Princess.  Unless, of course, she's looking for danger."

"Oh, but I don't find you dangerous at all," she said smiling coyly at him.

"You do realize that you're playing with fire, don't you? Don't push your luck, Aurora, I might be a man of noble lineage but still a man."

"And isn't it sweet how being a man of noble birth is both your weakness and your strength?"

"I do not have a weakness," he issued firmly.


He narrowed his eyes at her.  "You love this game, don't you?" he queried.

"What game? I don't remember us playing."

"What are we doing then if we're not engaging in some form of amusement?"

"We're both bargaining for the things we want," she replied.

He laughed. "Aurora, I hope you realize that I am a Prince and I have sovereign rule over this kingdom and my subjects. Now, whatever it is that you have in mind, believe me, Princess, I already own it."

"My Prince, I may be a naïve maiden but my father taught me about the rules of succession. And being his only heir, I know that this kingdom isn't yours because I have woken up. But, the same king who taught me about my claim to the throne also instilled in me the importance of fairness and gratitude."

He grinned. "Princess, I got this kingdom fair and square. And if I remember correctly, a female cannot inherit a kingdom. That is why it is called a kingdom, Princess, because it is to be ruled by a man."

"A man who'll only rule my kingdom if I think he's fit to rule it."

"I am not sure how long you've been asleep, Princess, but times have changed. That power you imagine you have is useless. Women have no say in their marriage. Marriage is an agreement made by men, by your father or a male relative in his stead."

"I have long lost my father and the last remaining male relative I have, you've vanquished, Your Highness."

"Then your welfare will be under the guardianship of me, the new ruler—"

She laughed softly and he stopped talking.

"What?" he asked with a frown.

"No, Phillip, the protection and custody of my helpless self will not be under you since when I regained consciousness you are no longer the ruler of this kingdom, I am. But the laws of this land, which, if I might say, are rather male-centered, require that I should marry a man because I need a King by my side who'll tell me what to do and how to live."

He laughed again. "You rather have a low opinion of men, don't you?"

"No, that's untrue. I was raised by a father who's the paragon of a loving parent. And then I met you..."

He raised a questioning brow at her. "What about me?"

"You're a Prince."

"And what is wrong with being a Prince?"


"Say it."

"You're a Prince who's used to getting what he wants. I hope you won't let being a Prince define who you are."

"Being a Prince is who I am."

"What if you're no longer the Prince? What will you be?" she asked and he stared in confusion at her.

"Why would I lose my title as the Prince?"

"Because the tide will not always turn your way, Phillip," she replied with a smile. 

She sat on her heel, gathered her gown, and was about to get off the bed when he sat up to put his arms around her waist. "I have not given you permission to leave, Princess."

"Your Highness, I do not need your permission to do so..." she trailed off as he leaned forward to nibble her lower lip.

"Why do you taste like honey?" he whispered against her mouth.

"I just do. And why do you taste like wine? Is it because you're drunk?"

He chuckled against her lips. "I'm not," he said.

He leaned back pulling her with him until she was sitting astride her waist.

"This is not a very noble thing to do to a maiden, Your Highness," she said and he heartily laughed.

"Stop playing the coquettish maiden, Aurora. We both know better. I like you. It is refreshing to find a woman who knows what she wants and who's not afraid to verbally spar with me. But remember that no matter which court we go to, the law will always take my side."

"Because you are a Prince?"

"Because I am a man."

"Oh, and you say that with so much pride."

"It is the truth. So, I want you to choose your next step carefully. You don't want me displeased, Princess..."

He reached up to rub a thumb against her lower lip smiling. "Don't be sad, Your Royal Highness. As long as you are good to me, you have nothing to worry about..."

She returned his smile before she leaned forward. "Thank you, Your Highness..." she murmured against his lips.

When he cupped the back of her head to deepen the kiss, she let him. Her lips parted to accommodate his curious tongue. He moaned in approval pulling her closer against him before his hand found the remaining laces holding her gown together.

"Stop..." she said covering his hand with hers.

"Aurora...what did I say about being good to me...?" he asked and she put a soft hand against his cheek.

"Phillip, you are not the heir to the throne. You will have to kill your brothers first and your older sisters' husbands to inherit the throne. And if your older brothers produce sons of their own, you will have to kill them, too. Are you ready for the bloodshed?"

He scowled in confusion at her and she smiled.

"Don't you see, my Prince? You need me more than I need you. I am a Princess who's the sole heir to a vast Kingdom..."

She tapped the tip of his nose with her finger. "So, you better be good to me if you want to gain my favor...but, don't worry, you kiss rather well..." she said before she moved away from him and then got off the bed.

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