The First Step to A New Life Part II

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"Dinner was delicious." I stated. "Thank you for inviting me again to have dinner with your family."

"Ashley, I told you, you're family. You're welcome to come over anytime."

"I'm family? What does that mean?" I whisper to Chase and looked at him, hoping he would know a good answer.

He shrugs his shoulders. I rolled my eyes out at him, knowing men couldn't tell a secret if they wanted to.

Everybody started to clean up their plates from dinner and get the good snacks prepared.

"Who's ready for dessert?" His mom cries out in happiness.

"Me! Me! Me!" Grayson raises his hands high in the air.

I sat down with Savannah on the couch in the living room, laughing about tons of jokes, taking about boys, and about Chase. Todd and Chase walked away together in a different room which I think are his parent's room. "Hey, I wonder what your dad and brother are talking about. Do you know?"

"Huh", Savannah went into another dimension.

"I said do you know what they two are talking about? Your dad and brother?"

She shakes her head no but tries to hide a smile, "I have no idea."

I looked at her funny but moved along from this mystery. "Okay, everybody, dessert is almost ready!"

Savannah and I went over to the table again to grab some dessert. I dropped one of my crutches and it was nice of her to help me. Best friends forever. "You ready?" I heard Todd mumbling to Chase. Chase looks nervous. "I think so."

Ignoring whatever conversation they were having and only hearing the smallest details of them, everyone sat down but Chase told me to remain standing.

"But my ankle, Chase", I complain.

"I promise you can sit down after."

"But why do I have to..."

Chase moved closer to me and kissed me on my lips. In front of his family. I should feel embarrassed because that's like a private thing to do but maybe this was what him and his father were talking about.

"Ashley",he claims up a bit and looks nervous. "Ever since I saw you working at the pizza place, there was something about you that I didn't know what it was at first. Since you and I have been going out, there are so many good qualities in you that I know I might not have much of but I feel like you get me. You're always there for me and even after what happened that night at the hospital, I still love you no matter how small are fights are and no matter what we go through."

"Chase", I said something before he goes on. "What's going on?"

He got down on the floor, grabbing the small box out from his pocket. The box looks exactly as the one where the promise ring was when I got that present from our anniversary.

"Is it another promise ring?" My voice full of joy and pure excitement.

"Better", he points out to me.

His knee is on the floor while his other foot is on the ground, his other knee sticking up in the air.

Everyone in the room gasps as Chase opens up the box. "Ashley," he repeats my name like it's a prayer. "Will you marry me?"

I held my hands to cover my mouth because I'm just as surprised to see this coming. I should've known it wasn't no damn promise ring if he's on the dining room floor, posing like that.

I started to burst out cry but not in a sad way, but in happy tears. "Oh. My. Gosh. Chase!" I exclaimed.

"Please say something other than that." Chase's voice is impatient.

"Yes!" I finally made my decision.

His perfect white smile shines so bright. I leaned down towards him, carefully, taking my index finger, curling them on his chin to hold his face, and kissed him. He kisses me back with passion and love and I never thought to see this day come any sooner than I imagined. The whole family congratulated us and from there, it was a nice evening, eating dessert with my soon to be family. Family in laws, of course.

Although, dinner was fun and it was great, seeing everyone again, laughing and enjoying each other's company, unfortunately, it was time for Chase and I to head on home. I hugged everyone saying their goodbyes as they congratulates us one more time before stepping out that door. Chase and I got in the car and he leans in front of me, kissing me before starting the car. I don't think he even needs to start the car to get it warmed up if he keeps on kissing me like that.

I keep staring at my hand, dumbfounded by how beautiful and better this ring is on my hand.

Chase looks at me and although, I'm paying more attention to my hand, I know he's staring at me, seeing me smile.

"Do you like it?" He asks as he drives out of this private neighborhood.

"Do I like it?" I repeated him. "I love it! Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me just yet. We got a whole future for you to be thanking me about a lot of stuff." He smirks at me and I know he has tricks up his sleeves.

"Oh yeah?" I enjoyed playing this game with him. "Like what?"

"You could thank me later once we get to our honeymoon."

I laughed at him. "Oh okay."

He laughs along with me and I can be willing to be comfortable with him because he really does complete me. He's like me once I get him used to me. And we all know, by now, he's really comfortable with me.

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