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I was assigned to med-jack the med-jacks were impressed by how I helped Minho. I guess, whatever I was before this place, I helped people.

I am fixing a cut from a glader. When there is a knock on the door. " Come on, you be more careful okay " I say.

" Got it " he says.

" Hey " Minho says.

" Hey " I say.

" So how is your new job going? " He asks.

" Good, still wish I was a runner. But I get what I get " I say with a smile, as I am putting up the medicine.

" Maybe you can be a runner " he says. I look at him.

" What? " I ask with a chuckle.

" I talked to Alby and Newt. They think you have the chops to be a runner " he says. " We can go on a trial run right now " he adds.

" MINHO! You're the best! " I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. He gives a small grin.

We both get ready and enter the maze. Right, left, right, right, left, left, left. We stop to eat.

" So say the truth, do you think we will find a way out of here? " Minho asks, looking at me.

" I hope so, come who wants to stay here? " I ask.

" Gally " he says.

" He's also Gally " I say.

" We should get a new greenie today " he says.

" That's great " I reply, looking at the ground.

" Who do you think it is going to be? " He asks.

" A boy " I say.

We head back. The greenie alarm goes off, as soon as the walls close which is weird since it's never this late. We all run, and there lays a girl staring at all of us. " Y/N? " She whispers. I jump into the box.

" How do you know my name? " I ask. She shows me a tattoo she has on her arm. Rosa Lincoln and Y/N Banks. Best friends for life.

" Okay come " I say, I help her out of the box. Gally is right by us.

" Oh great another crazy girl " he says. Rosa elbows him, he falls.

" I think we have a builder " I laugh.

" I don't understand what's happening? " Rosa says.

" Okay, here I'll give you the tour " I say.

She is a little nervous, being the only other girl. Gally has taken an interest in her which I think is weird, but that's just me.

1 year and 10 months later.

The greenie alarm goes off, we run and already hear the screaming of a boy. Chuck is excited that he won't be the greenie anymore which is always nice. Newt and Gally open the box.

" Raise and shine greenie " Gally says throwing him onto the ground. He starts running towards the maze.

" WE'VE GOT A RUNNER! " Zart screams. Alby commands me to go get him before he hurts himself. I tackle him, having both of his hands under mine.

" Okay greenie don't be a shank, just let us explain " I say sort of frustrated.

" Where am I? " He asks. " Why can't I leave? " He asks. Alby and the gladers have come over. He pushes me off of him. " You can't just keep me here! " He yells.

" It's for your safety " Alby says trying to calm the greenie down. The walls being to close, he's looking at them nervous and scared. " Take him to the slammer " Alby says. Gally takes him.

" This is just wow we have another Y/N " Minho says. I laugh and push him.

After a while, I make my way to the slammer. The boy is just sitting there looking at the dirt. I get on one knee in front of him. " If I let you out, you promise you won't run? " I ask. He nods.

" Welcome to the glade " I say. " This is your home. A course you will get a job in a few days, but right now. You have to understand some things. We have 3 main rules. Rule 1 everybody does his or her part. Rule 2 never harm another glader. Rule 3 never go outside those walls " I say pointing to maze.

" What if I break one of the rules? " He asks. He's so many questions.

" You will be put back in the slammer " I say. Newt walks up. " Greenie this is Newt, Newt this is the new greenie. When Alby's not around he's the one in charge " I say.

" Nice to meet you greenie, I actually thought you had the chops to be a runner. Then you got tackled by this beautiful one " Newt says in his amazing accent.

" A runner? " He asks.

" Here we have jobs, there are slicers, builders, track-hoes, med-jacks, cooks, baggers, sloppers, bricknicks, and runners " I say. " We will get you a job " I add.

Minho walks over, and puts his arm around me. " Speaking of jobs, Y/N we have our job " he says.

" Minho this is the greenie, greenie this is Minho " I say.

" Nice too meet you greenie. We need to go " he says. I nod.

" Chuck get his bed set up. " I say.

" Be careful " he says.

" I always am " I say, giving him a kiss on the forehead and I hug. Chuck is like my little brother. He was scared when he came up in the box. He and I were the first to connect. People say we look alike. Maybe we were related before this crap, but I don't know.

Rosa and Gally are official. Gally made it to clear to the greenie, that Rosa is his. The whole time Rosa and I were laughing.

Left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right. I stop to eat my food. Minho and I went separate ways.

Minho's P.O.V.

It has gotten late, and I was already back in the maze. Newt meets me with the greenie and Chuck. " Someone remembered his name " Newt says.

" Really? " I ask.

" It's Thomas " he says

" Hey guys " I say drinking some of the water I have left. " Where's Y/N? " I then asks. She took route 2, she's already knows that she can do that with her eyes close.

" She hasn't gotten back yet " Newt says.

A griever screams, making the greenie jump. " What was that? " He asks.

" We call them grievers " Newt says. We all stand by the entrance Y/N has not returned and getting all of us nervous.

" Can't we send someone after her? " Thomas asks.

" No it's either she makes it or she doesn't " Gally says.

" We can't loose anyone else " Newt and Rosa says.

" It's the rules. " I say.

" There! " Thomas says pointing Y/N. She's crawling, someone happened to her leg.

Everything went so fast.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I am crawling as fast as I can. I was cut by the griever didn't sting me, but almost did. I see Minho, he has the saddest look on his face, because he knows he can't do anything. He beings to cry. " MINHO! I AM GOING TO BE OKAY I PROMISE! " I scream as loud as I can. I look over to Newt he is mouthing " I love you " I look back at Minho. " I love you "

Everything went so fast.

" THOMAS NO! " Newt and Minho screams. He lands right in front of me.

" Good job you just killed yourself " I say.

" What?! " He asks.

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