The boy in the dream....

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Minho's P.O.V.

A scream wakes me up. A kid scream. Newt, Thomas, and I run to the edge of the only lighted room. We look through to see Y/N sitting next to Alby.

" Hey shh it's okay it's okay. It's not here okay " she comments.

" Mom. I'm scared what if he comes and gets me. Don't let dad come get me. He's- " Alby stops and beings to cry.

" AJ it's going to be okay. Your dad is not coming back okay I promise. " She says to him.

" Mom " he mumbles.

" Yes sweetie? " She asks.

" Do you think you will ever tell them? " He asks.

" Honey. You need to go back to sleep okay. I love you " she says.

" I love you too mom " He says. She gives him a kiss on the forehead, and then turns off the light.

She walks out. " Oh my God you guys gave me a heart attack " she says.

" We heard AJ scream wanted to make sure he was okay, but you got it handled " Thomas says.

" Well I am the mom. It's my job " she says.

" Yeah, but you don't take care of ours " Newt comments.

" Newt I was taken. I took care of them, when I was there. Now I am around again. I will be taking care of my kids. Even though you are being a little idiot about it okay " she snaps.

" We heard about the other kids " I say.

" What other kids? " She asks.

" Your other kids, with all of the other people. Come on you have a bloody kid with Gally for heavens sake " Newt snaps.

" I was also forced to or they would have killed you. So love you too Newt " she says leaving us to stand there.

" Guys why don't you go back to bed " Gally comments.

" Sure Gal " Thomas says. " Come on guys " he adds.

That next morning......

" Where's AJ? " Y/N asks.

" Right here " a guard says. Everything goes black.

AJ's P.O.V.

I wake up on the landing area. The devil should be coming up soon so it's going to be interesting who is here today.

" AJ! We have a problem! " Madeline screams as she runs towards me.

" What's up? " I ask.

" It's Nolan " she says.

Her and I make our way to Nolan.

" Natasha I am fine I just fell okay " he says.

" Fell off the top of the maze wall? " She asks with angry in her voice.

" Nate " he mumbles.

" You could have died " she snaps.

" I know I know. I'm sorry okay " he says.

" I can't loose you we already lost mom and dad. You're all I have left " she says about to cry.

" I love you sis " he says.

" I love you too Nolan " she says. 

" Let Nolan have some space. We can all talk to him in a little bit, but right now Nolan. You need some rest that was a pretty big fall " Jessica says. He nods.

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