Chapter 6

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The next morning I was in a bed. I jumped in shock and calmed down when I realized it was Aidens bed . The smell of pancakes and eggs and...... food! I know, I'm a fat ass but I couldn't resist. I jumped out of bed but stopped mid way because I was isn't in my clothes. I was in a huge white T-shirt with some boxers. OMG did Aiden change me last night, I don't remember changing. The thoughts of last nights swarmed in my mind like a hurricane.

I walk down stairs, yes with the clothes I was wearing. What! I was lazy, and plus I couldn't find my clothes. When I walk into the kitchen I see Aiden's tanned muscular back,without a shirt. Just great how am I going to focus, well at least he has sweatpants on. Besides nearly drooling over Aiden's beautiful back, he can cook? WOOW! I'm surprised and it didn't even smell burnt.I chuckle to myself and I guess he heard me because he turned around and saw me.

"Good morning, sunshine!" He says with a smirk." Good morning! You can cook?!"." Yea aunt tough me because they go on trips for their job and they leave weeks at a time". His smirk vanishes in an instant. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to intrude"." No it's fine, I promise. You asked a question and I'll try to answer any questions you have, sunshine" he says as he drops a plate with two fluffy pancakes, two sausages, and one egg. The perfect breakfast.

I eat while Aiden's sips on his coffee, but I can feel his gaze on me." Are you doing anything today?"." Ummm..... no why?!" I say as I finish the last bit of my pancakes, just to give you guys a heads up he makes the best pancakes in the world.yum." I want to take you out today". This is the first, I wonder where he wants to take me." Okay, where are we going?". He puts on that stupid smirk again. Is that what he does all day, smirk.ugh!" It's a surprise". Of course."well I need to go home and get ready". A spark of realization came to his stupid, yet beautiful, face."I'll take you now if you would like, but I've got to say you look hot in my clothes". This earns him a punch in his arm.

20 minutes later

We are  pulling up to my moms house. "I'll pick you up in 2 hours!". "Ok". I hop out of the car and walk up to the door. I unlock the door and walk in. I take a look at the place it looks horrible. I can't believe I'm able to survive here. I walk up the stairs to my room and go to my closet. I don't have many clothes but I don't have little clothes. The clothes I do have are from Jessica and they aren't that bad. I end up picking a light blue pair of ripped jeans with a white T-shirt that says "love" and my white nike Air Forces. I grab my clothes and take a quick shower.

When I'm done I change into my clothes and wait for my text from Aiden, I got his number before we left, he insisted, telling me that he's here.

10 minutes later

I get my text from Aiden saying he's here. I walk down the stairs but I kind of wish I hadn't." Where are you going?
"my mom says." I'm going out with a friend". "Have you cleaned your room! Have you cleaned the house! You aren't going anywhere young lady!". She starts to walk towards me and as usual she's drunk." I'm going mom and you can't stop me from leaving!". She grabs my wrist and drags me to the kitchen to start cleaning. I can feel a bruise forming on my wrist." Mom stop you're hurting me, stop!"." Stop being a little bitch and  start listening!". I try to rip her hand off mine, but she slaps me." How dare you disrespect your mother like this!". I just want this to stop. I try to hold my tears in but they just fall out. Please someone stop this.

Aiden's POV

I pulled up to Christinas house and I text her that I'm here. I've waited for quite a while so I decided to go and check up on her. When I reach the door I hear screaming and crying. I burst the door open when I see my girl on the floor with her mother yelling and hitting her. Right then and there I wanted to fall ,I wanted to hit the ground. To see my beautiful girl in pain kills me. I ran off to her mother and pushed her off. I didn't want to punch her because it was Christina's mother and I didn't want to disrespect her in anyway so I pushed her off. I grab my girl and I ran with her in my arms. She was shaking and crying. I put her in the passenger side and I jogged to the driver side and I drove off.

We drove for an hour, away from the city. We are on a dirt road and the whole time Christina was either examining her wrist or fell a sleep. I have a feeling that she will love the surprise I have for her and it will get her mind off what happened. I don't plan on asking what happened. I don't want her to feel pressured to tell me anything unless she's ready.

Christina's POV

I feel the car come to a complete stop and I stir awake. I opened my eyes and I am met with beautiful,blue concerning eyes."we are here, sunshine"."finally" I tease. I look around and I see we are in the middle of nowhere. We are surrounded by big oak trees and up ahead there's a trail. I climb out of the car and I am mesmerized by the view.

A few moments later I see Aiden come up to me with a big fluffy blanket and a basket. At first I am confused but then I followed him to wherever he was taking me. We have walked for about a mile when you hear water.When we come up to our destination I am shocked. There is a beautiful waterfall. I walk up to the water and it's so clear and blue, you can see your own reflection. I turn around and I see Aiden on the floor, laying against a big oak tree. I walk up to him and sit right next to him." Are you hungry?" He says as he takes out sandwiches for me and him." Yes, please".

We ate in silence for a while. " it's so beautiful, when did you find it?"he looks at me." I found it a few years ago. It was my place to come and clear my mind, to get away from life"." I understand why you love it so much "." Come on let's go swimming!"." I don't have a swimsuit". " I might have had Jessica help me pick out a swimsuit for you. It's in the basket". I stare at him confused but I decided to ask later about how they met.

I grab the swimsuit and go behind the tree. I put the swimsuit on. It was a simple black swimsuit with cuts on the sides, nothing to fancy. I come from behind the tree and I see Aiden already inside the water. I walk over to the water and surprising the water isn't cold, it's actually warm. I jump in the water and meet Aiden . We splash and play in the water. After a while we get out and sit against the tree looking at the stars.

I was looking at the stars when I felt a gaze on me, I turned to face Aiden" what?!"." Nothing. Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?". My smile drops. No. No one has ever cared enough to tell me I'm beautiful, not even my own mother." No, no has cared enough and so far neither have I"." Christina you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I care about you so much, no one can even begin to explain. You are perfect in every way humanly possible and if no one can see that then fuck them. You don't have to change, the world does and I mean every word". A tear was shed from my eyes.

"Christina will you be my girlfriend?".I was shocked, this will be my first relationship. Do I really want it to be with him ,Aiden Parker?Do I trust him enough to be loyal?Do I really want this? Part of me wanted to say no, but a bigger part of me wanted to say yes.
Finally I came up with my decision, one that will change my life forever. One that I'll truly never regret."Yes!".
Yes I know the chapter is longer but I promise the next one will be shorter.
Don't mind the mistakes 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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