Episode 4: I am Here For You

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The next day was rough on everyone. They were all still tired and trying to make sense of the day before, or at least Pepper was still trying to make sense of it. After breakfast in their separate rooms the group had packed to leave. Ethan already told Allen and Leena about the agreement to travel together from now on. He told them after the whole kidnapping incident so he could lighten their moods, not that he had the chance to do it before.  It worked, and the grins on both of their faces told him as much.

Deciding to do a quick restock on necessary equipment at the town's market the group split up, deciding to meet at the center of the town in thirty minutes.

After the half an hour shopping spree everyone came back with their packs full and ready for more adventuring.

Allen had gotten a new shirt, which he had needed to replace. Leena and Pepper grabbed some new boots. Ethan found a cool looking water scroll and purchased that as well. 

On their way out of the town, Leena stopped the group wanting to look at the ribbons one last time. Their prices hadn’t gone down at all, and the white one she looked at the day before was also gone. She sighed and turned to face the group motioning for them to keep on walking. 

Everyone did move on, except Allen, who was looking rather shy at that moment.

“Hmmm?” Leena tilted her head in confusion at the boy in front of her.

“Well- uh- I have something for you.” He mumbled digging in his pocket. He nearly forgot about them, and if Leena hadn’t stopped the group to look at the stall again, he honestly would have forgot.

He thrust his hand out the ribbons, dangling from it. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his face was bright pink, making his hair look even more white. “So- uh- Here you go!”

Leena just looked at him for a moment before holding her hands out and letting him drop the silky ribbons into them. She was silent, but still looking at him with a surprised expression. Then Allen squinted his eyes, and slowly opened them, seeing one of the happiest smiles that Allen had ever seen plastered on Leena’s face. 

Close to the most beautiful, of course. His smile being the most beautiful.

Gripping the ribbons tighter in her hands she took a quick step towards him wrapping her arms around his torso and looking up at him.

“Thank you Allen!” She grinned up at him seeing as he was a head taller than herself. After that the two quickly separated, Allen almost shoving her away, not wanting anyone to get the wrong idea.

Ethan greeted the two with a big grin at the gate at the end of the town, as well as Jack, but in cat form of course. Pepper however, had a worried expression on. No one noticed as she was still walking ahead of the group. 

Quickly catching up with the raven haired girl they began chatting amongst themselves. Ethan, Allen, and Jack of course were chatting up a storm, while Leena tried to get Pepper to talk.

“Pepper!” She called playfully to her sister not liking her gloomy attitude in the slightest. ”Come on Pepper don’t tell me you're jealous! Or are you trying to be protective older sister now? I don’t think that's very fair of you to do that. You know like turn your protectiveness on and off whenever you think it’ll be more interesting!” Leena crossed her arms hoping that would get her sister's attention.

“Leena-” Pepper began, though her voice was serious and commanding. Leena did not like it at all. 

“Fine. But could you put in these pretty ribbons for me? You know I’m not the best at it.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” She spat. “Or go ask Allen. You seemed to be fine all on your own yesterday.”

Leena flinched at that. This was the first time her sister snapped at her like this and Leena didn’t like it at all. Instead of dealing with it she made a quick decision to just ignore her. She walked over to Allen and pulled Jack off his shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2012 ⏰

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