7. The man

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Jamie laughed so hard, tears started to well up in her eyes. "It's a true story" Harry defended himself with a big smile. He had just told Jamie the most crazy story of his life. She had learned that Harry has his own business in constructions, earnes from his father who on his term owned it from his father. "So... What about you? I have been boring you with my stories...." "You're not boring at all Harry. I'm glad we met." "The pleasure's all mine" he winked. Jamie rolled her eyes before she straightened her back and took her glass of champagne. "My life is a lot less interesting than yours..." "Now you make me curious" "Well, I'm a painter..." "I knew it!" Harry smiled. "You still have some paint in your hair..." he explained when Jamie gave him a confused look. Her hand went immediately to her hair, embarrased really. "I don't mind and it's really not that obvious... I just happen to see more... " Harry spoke soft as he slowly pulled Jamie's hand back down. "So what do you paint?" "I paint whatever I want... But I do some restauration work to earn my money..." "Wow... that's fascinating." Harry said. "Why? I'm just a painter..." "You're an artist Jamie..." She rolled her eyes again. "And I happen to have a thing for artists. They get to do what they want, they're free... Something I never got the chance to..." Harry frowned, his mind travelling somewhere else. Jamie lay a hand on his. Looking up at her, he gave her a small smile. They ordered their dessert, chocolate cake, and decided to share it. That's when Jamie got an idea, looking at Harry's beautiful features. "I can paint you if you'd like..." Harry chuckled. "How much I would love to but I have to go back to London in two days..." "Oh..." "Yeah I'm here on a business trip and I have to go back to my company." A sad feeling overcame Jamie but she hid it by stuffing her mouth with cake. "You're welcome to come to London anytime though. I have a few houses. You can stay in one of them instead of a hotel..." Jamie gushed, flattered by Harry's offer. "I would love to Harry, but..." "I want you to paint me Jamie. I just can't leave my company like that. It would be easier if you come to London..." Harry's eyes locked with Jamie's again. He sounded and looked sincere. Jamie smiled. "Well, it's been a while since I've been to London." "Then it's a done deal. What do you say about next week? You're free then?" "Yes I am" "Lovely." Harry smiled, raising his glass of wine. Jamie following his actions and clinging their glasses.

Harry insisted on taking Jamie safely home. After dinner they went into a dance bar, where they danced their feet off and laughed out loud. Jamie looked up at Harry. She had her arm around his, walking home in the cool night air. "I had a really great time Harry. I haven't had that much fun in a while and I want to thank you for that" She smiled up at him. They turned around the corner into the street she lived. The Garrison was still open but it looked really quiet. Then again it was pretty late. "This is my house..." Jamie pulled out her keys, unlocking the door. "You can stay, you know... On the sofa ofcourse... Not..." Harry laughed at her, amused by her offer. "It's sweet but I best go" "Okay... Will I see you again before you go back?" "I leave thursday afternoon at two o'clock... I stay at the Wenner's Hotel. I would be honored if you'd join me for lunch then." Jamie nodded, promising him she'd be there. "Now, go inside and get some sleep. You feet will be grateful" He joked, earning a stomp from Jamie. "Goodnight Harry" "Sweet dreams, princess." With those words, Harry put on his hat and walked away. Jamie quickly went inside and locked the door.

The day after Jamie woke up when it was already noon. WHich was to be expected due her late night adventure of last night. Harry was quite the man. She could barely believe that a nice man still exsisted. She pulled open her cabinets only to come to the conclusion she had to do some shopping. It was cold today but the sun was out so that was something. Jamie threw her scarf around her neck and made her way to the market. Her thoughts kept travelling back to Harry. a small smile plastered on her face as she bought some fruit, vegetables, bread and meat. The sun sadly disappeared behind a thick curtain of grey clouds and rain so she ran int the Garrison. Henry's face turned red when he saw her. "Young lady, you got me some real trouble last night." He started. Jamie rolled her eyes at him. "A light brown" She asked, putting immediately money on the table. Henry took it and replaced it with a beer. The door of the private room opened. Tommy, Arthur and John walking out of it. Jamie cursed to herself. She was not in the mood to talk to him, especially after he stood her up last night. "Jamie..." Tommy pulled the chair out to sit next to her. "Don't bother Thomas..." She said while playing with her glass. "I am sorry Jamie. Really..." "I said, don't bother. Which part of that didn't you understand? I am the one to be sorry. Sorry for being too foolish to let you in." "Something came up..." "Something always comes up with you. You could have at least send a word or called but no, you let me waiting like some fucking idiot."  At that point, Henry walked up to us, handing Tommy a glass of whiskey. "Before I forget. That man dropped a package this morning for you." Henry threw a small box wrapped in brown paper at Jamie. She shot him a glare for throwing it almost in her face but the man was still clearly pissed off for last night. "What man?" Tommy asked, immediately triggered.  Jamie only shrugged, not planning to tell Tommy. So he looked at Henry, staring at him like he would kill him. Henry, the scarredy cat he is, obeyed ofcourse. "I haven't seen him before. He sounded from London. Centrainly looked like it." Tommy's eyes averted back to Jamie, who rolled her eyes and stood up from her chair. "What was his name?" "Don't poke your nose in my business, Tommy." "Henry, what did he look like?" Henry looked from me to Tommy, the man was clearly aggitated by the two. "My business" Jamie growled through clenched teeth but Tommy was still looking Henry in the eye. "Tall, brown hair,... He wasn't here long. They left together." "Is that right?" Tommy dared to ask with an attitude, a stupid sigaret hanging from his lips. At that moment, Jamie was infuriated, again, by Thomas Shelby. She took a step closer to him, their faces only inches apart. "That's right. He took me out for dinner since I got stood up by some asshole, we drinked and laughed. We even danced, in the most improper way possible" She spit. "And after that..." Jamie breathed, moving even closer to Tommy's ear, "We did a lot more things than just dance." Jamie straightened her back, Tommy's eyes fixated on the floor as he clenched his teeth together. Jamie grabbed her groceries but Tommy wouldn't let her win so easily. He always won. "Once a whore..." Jamie froze on the spot, not wanting to believe her ears. "Tommy!" It was John's voice, scolding his brother for what he just had said. "It's alright John." Jamie said, still in her spot, holding her groceries. "Karma's a bitch Thomas Shelby. You'll get what you deserve..." With those words she finally left the pub. She pretended to be okay but once inside the safe walls of her home, she broke out in tears.

Once her tears had dried, she put away her groceries and walked to her easel. She grabbed a blank canvas, her pencils and paint en let all her anger out on the painting. Every stroke resembled her frustration. She even literally threw paint on the canvas... And her walls. She even stayed awake the whole night, painting her pain away. That Thomas had the nerve to call her a whore was beyond low. She knew he just wanted to hurt her but this was out of line, even for him.

Loud knocking on her door made her jump up. She hestitantly walked into the hallway, recognizing John's voice. "Jamie? I know you're there. Can I come in?" Jamie bit her lip, not wanting to listen to him. "Go away John." "I'm sorry about Tommy. He can be a real asshole sometimes but-" "That's an understatement" "but he cares about you Jamie" Jamie laughed, with bitterness. "Then he has a really sick way of showing it" She snapped as she opened the door. "He shouldn't have called you that but..." "but what?" "He still has a lot to learn when it comes to relationships..." Jamie snorted. "Him and I have no relationship. Tell him he'll be rid of me soon. No! Don't tell him! I want him to leave me the fuck alone. I won't have anything from him anymore and I don't want him to stick his nose in my business." "Jamie..." "No John. I'm not some dumb puppet he can pull the strings of whenever and however he likes. I'm going to London soon so I'll be out of his way and forgotten. Speaking of... what time is it?" John frowned but took his pocket watch out. "Half past one" He said. Jamie cursed. "I forgot! Fuck! I have to go John." "Where to? I can take you" He pointed at his car. For a mere second Jamie was tempted to take his offer but then he would most likely find out who Harry was. "No thank you John. Go home or whatever." Jamie grabbed her coat and keys, locking the door before she ran off. Leaving a head scratching John.

Jamie arrived five minutes before two at the train station. Still trying to carch her breath and earning dirty looks, she searched for Harry. Lucky for her he wasn't a man to easily look over. "Harry!" She yelled. An old lady scolded her and whacked her on the arm. Not hard but Jamie gave the lady an angry look back while quickly pushing through the crowd. "Harry!" She yelled again. This time he seemed to have heard her as he turned around. Seeing her face through the dull people, he smiled. "I am so sorry! I lost track of time and I- I 'm really really sorry Harry" she breathed when she finally reached him. Harry laughed, pushing loose strands of hair out of her face. She was covered in paint, her eyes wild from running and she looked very tired. "It's alright Jamie. I'm glad you're here although I was starting to think you'd stood me up" He joked but Jamie made a shocked face. "No! It's nothing like that. I-" She got cut off by the whistle of the train conductor. "I'll come to London next Monday. If that's alright with you?" Harry's mouth curled in a handsome smile again. "It would be an honor. I have to go now. I really hoped we could have that lunch together but I'm glad I've seen you even for a little while. Here's my card. I'll see you Monday then" He moved closer to her, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. "You look lovely Jamie. Even under all that paint" he winked. Jamie reached to her face, feeling the crusts of dried paint on her face. She was such in a rush to get to the train station that she forgot she was covered in paint. She smiled at her forgetfulness and watched how Harry stepped onto his train to London. He went to sit at a window so he could wave her goodbye until they couldn't see eachother again.

The walk back home was cold. In all the hurry she had forgotten it was freezing so she pulled her coat tight around her body. Her thoughts got quickly distracted from the cold though as she imagined to be already in London, having fun with Harry.
"What are you smiling about like some lightheaded idiot?" A cloud of smoke hit her face. She coughed and glared at Tommy who was ofcourse standing at her doorstep. "Fuck off" Was all she said as she took her keys out of her pocket. Tommy opened his mouth to say anything but Jamie cut him off. "I want you to leave me alone. You crossed the line." "Jamie, I..." "No! I won't listen to you!" She snapped. Tommy gulped by the way she looked at him. He really did cross the line. Without another word he turned his heels and went straight into the Garrison. Good, Jamie thought, he finally gets it...

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