13. Stains

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The days went slow but Jamie couldn't bring herself to do something useful. She slept a lot, her body betraying that she still wasn't fully recovered, and if she wasn't sleeping she finished off some restoration work which the customers had to wait for a bit longer than usual.

She hissed when she pulled off the bandage of her stomach. It still felt sore but the wound healed proper which was the most important. The least she wanted was an infection. She was more than startled when there was loud banging on the door. After days of complete silence and isolation, she had grown more sensitive to loud noises. Jamie quickly put on some fresh ointment and a new bandage before she went for the door, still tucking her blouse in her pants before opening the door.

"Thomas?" She blurted out in surprise. Tommy looked up at her, studying her face with a frown. "What's wrong?" He seemed to snap out of his thoughts, shaking his head lightly. "Can I come in?" Jamie bit her lip. "I'm not sure that's a good idea..." "We need to talk" With that, she didn't had to get a say in it as he pushed open the door further and walked inside. Jamie grunting as she got the doorknob in her stomach, all the blood drained from her face as she tried to bit down the pain Tommy had caused her.  "Jamie?" He asked, frown evident from under his cap as he studied her strange behavior. "I'm not in the mood for talking" Jamie panted, aware of the ripped open wound that was now leaking blood again. So much for the proper healing. She cursed under her breath. Tommy stepped towards her, pushing her hand away from her stomach, revealing a red stain on her light floral blouse. "How- I didn't-" His eyes traveled from the stain to the doorknob and back to the stain again. Jamie smacked his hands away, pushing herself off the wall and heading to the living room with small steps. "What do you want Thomas?" "I want to know why you're hurt, for starters" Jamie scoffed. "None of ya business." "Jamie-" "Tommy" She snapped at him, facing him again as she lowered herself on a chair. He eyed her for a moment, taking in her pained expression. She was clearly in pain and the stain on her blouse only grew bigger. Her hair was loose, waving naturally and framing her face beautifully. Her normal plump lips were a few shades paler and tightly pressed together. She was wearing pants which he hadn't seen on women much yet but the trend was already there. Only the bravest women dared to make such a bold statement in fashion. And Tommy realised that that's exactly how Jamie was. "If you want a peep show, you'll have to stare somewhere else" Jamie murmured, fidgeting her fingers. Tommy scraped his troat, slowly sitting down on the couch. " There's this uhm... I need your help..." He stated after babbling, which wasn't Something for Tommy Shelby. Jamie frowned. "With what?" Tommy sighed and took out a sigaret. It stayed silent. Only the ticking of the clock and the noises on the streets could be heard. Jamie looked down at her blouse, cursing at the blood that had seeped through the fabric. She stood up, going to the kitchen to get cleaned up.

"There's this party I need to attend to..."
"I am not going with you Thomas"
"I have no one else..."

Jamie scoffed. "Go alone then. I'm not doing this" "It's just for a few hours. In and out. I promise, nothing will happen to you" That made Jamie laugh even greener. "Like last time went so well. I can't Thomas. I'm still recovering" "From what exactly? Did that London bastard did something to you? Did he do this 'cause I will fucking kill him" "Oh for fuck's sake Thomas! Harry wouldn't hurt a fly. He didn't do this!" "Then why don't you wanna tell me?" "Because it is my fucking life! Mine! Now, bugger off! I don't want to see you!"

Thomas stood there, lips pressed into a thin line, indicating that he was restraining his anger. He really didn't like someone talking to him like that.
But this was Jamie.
She always pushed his boundaries eventhough she isn't aware of doing it. "Fine...be like that." He finally spoke up. He grabbed his stuff and hurried out of her house, smacking the door with a loud thud much to Jamie's annoyance.


"I believe we should respect her privacy Tommy..." John grumbled, looking uncomfortably at the hospital. Tommy had managed to figure out where Jamie got taken care of in London. If she didn't want to tell him then he had to find another way. His gut told him something was wrong so he had to pursue after the answers. So here he was, with John by his side, a few days after he went to Jamie who clearly didn't want to see him.

"Come on..." he simply said, throwing his cigarette on the street before crossing it. "She already doesn't want to talk to you. If she finds out you went behind her back, she'll hate you forever." That made Tommy stop and look at his younger brother. "Do I look like I care?" John shook his head in disapproval. "I'll wait in the car" "You're coming with me" Tommy said, grabbing a hold on John's coat. With that, John knew he had to tag along. Tommy gets what Tommy wants. They went downstairs to the archives and where al the records of the patients were kept. Something a nurse whispered in his ear before she got a big tip for telling them. John still had a sour expression on his face, annoying Tommy as he searched for the right rack. The room was stocked with files and boxes but pretty soon Tommy found the right aisle. "Keep watch." "And what if we get caught? I won't shoot anybody" "Who said anything about shooting someone?" John cursed under his breath and stomped off but he was still in Thomas' sight. Thomas scanned the boxes until he found the right one. All the files of people who's name started with S. Throwing the lid on the ground, he started sliding his fingers over the numerous names. Every patient had his own brown file with their names written on the small side that sticked out of the rest of the papers. "Sangster Jamie. Gotcha..." Thomas murmured as he pulled out the file. Opening it, he was greeted by a badly taken photo of Jamie. She clearly looked ill at the time the photo was taken here in the hospital. There was a badly drawn human body on the paper behind the photo, containing several scribbeled notes of Jamie's injuries. "A stabwound..." "What?" That made John's curiosity spark up who had listened to his brother's murmuring. "She got stabbed in her abdomen..." Thomas frowned as he flipped over the page to read the next one, which had another drawing. One he clearly recognized as the womb and ovaries inside a woman's body. At first he didn't paid any attention to it, thinking it was just for medical technicallies but as he started reading the lines beneath it, his heart missed a heartbeat. John, recognizing his brother's change of body language, took over the file as Tommy sank down against one of the racks. "She's pregnant.." John piped, his surprise evident on his face.
"Was..." Tommy corrected him, which made John reread the notes. "She lost the baby because of the stabwound. She got stabbed in the womb." Tommy said, staring at the boxes in front of him. John flipped over the page to reveal the last one which contained the happening of events from when Jamie was brought in. "Apparently she didn't know... She was only a few weeks far..." John looked at Thomas again, debating if he should ask the question he had on his tongue..
" Tommy... did you and Jamie... Is it possible you were the father?" Thomas gulped at that word. Father...
He nodded, John sighing and closing the file.

"No wonder she doesn't want you to know..." "what is that supposed to mean?" Thomas scowled, glancing over to his brother as they drove back to Birmingham. "A baby, Thomas. With our lives?" "You and Esme seem to be doing that every day." "But you're the boss..." "I could take care of a child perfectly fine" It was silent for a while, Thomas still trying to wrap his head around the fact he was almost a father. That is if Jamie hadn't slept with anyone else...
"Are you gonna talk to her?" "I don't know" Thomas answered honestly.


Sooooo sorry for the late update!
I'll work on it to update more regularly.

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