9. London

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Jamie arrived safe and well in London. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of seeing Harry again, yet her face dropped when Tommy popped back into her head. She sighed, not wanting to think about him. She found a copper on the streets and asked for the directions to the address Harry had given her. Luckily it wasn't that dificult and the big sign above the door of the building was pretty obvious once driving into the correct street.
Jamie was nervous when she entered the builiding. Two people at a desk immediately perking their heads up when she walked through the door. "Hello Miss. Can I help you?" The short haired blonde woman asked, peeking over her back framed glasses. "Um... Is Mr. Dawson here?" "Do you have an appointment?" "I don't believe I'm in his agenda but we met last week in Birmingham." Jaie smiled nervously. The secretary arched her eyebrow as she looked in an agenda. "Indeed. You're not so I'll have to dissapoint you. I can't let you go in there." The woman had a quite hostile attitude towards Jamie but she wouldn't be waved off that easily. "Alright then. I'll let myself in." Jamie said, walking up the  dew steps towards a double door. "Miss! Miss!" The woman shouted, scrambling up her feet. Nevertheless Jamie pushed open the door, reveiling a quite large room filled with desks and people. Nobody really looked at her. They were all busy, buried in paperwork, house plans, phone calls... At the end there was a staircase leading to offices upstairs. The woman was still going after her, calling her improper names but it didn't affect Jamie. She simply laughed about it as she quickly ran up the stairs. "Mr. Dawsons office?" She asked the man at a dark wooden desk, looking at her with wide eyes and mouth agape. He was so surprised that he could barely point Jamie in the right direction. "Miss! Stop right there! You can't just do that!" The secretary reached the top of the stairs, panting and red like a tomato. Jamie opened the door that was built into a wall full of windows, walking into another office space. She figured by now that Harry's office was at the back so she quickened her pace until she reached the final door. A hard wooden now. With no glass wall, just a small window in a wooden wall. She could see Harry sitting at his desk, not having a clue of her presence. "Miss! Do not enter! Are you deaf?!" The secretary had finally caught up wit her. Jamie looked down at the girls feet. "No wonder you're so slow..." Jamie muttered with a scrunched up nose. Her attention however got distracted by the door opening behind her, a frowning Harry in the doorway. "Miss Frey? What's- Jamie!" Harry showed his handsome smile and embraced her. "Mr. Dawson..." The secretary, Ms Frey, squeaked. "It's alright Ms Frey!" Hrey waved her off. "Why didn't you call?" "She wouldn't let me in. Apparently I'm not in your agenda." Jamie smiled. Harry rolled his eyes, turning to Ms Frey. "You always call me when someone comes by without an appointment..." Harry said confused. " Jamie is my friend. I know you want to do your job but don't be rude to people" Ms Frey swallowed, her eyes fixated on the ground. But before she turned around and left, she gave Jamie a nasty look. "Now, I am so glad that you're here!" Harry grinned as he let me into his office.
"I thought you would call me?" "Yeah... something came up..." Jamie sighed, taking off her hat and scarf. "I'm sorry if I interrupted your work. I didn't mean to intrude like that..." Harry looked at Jamie from under his brown eyelashes, smiling; "Yeah you were" "Well, not at first..."Jamie admited like a little girl, grinning at her own mischievous behavior. "Poor Ms. Frey... Come on. It's almost noon. Let's get something to eat, shall we?"

Harry had told his secretaries to clear his schedule for the rest of the day, much to Ms Frey's annoyance. The woman couldn't help herself to give Jamie one last nasty glare before she and Harry left.  Harry guided Jamie to a small restaurant where, according to the big sign, they had the best apple pie. "I have arranged a house not far from here. It's not that big but it's a neat and warm place to stay." harry said, describing the house in more detail for her. It didn't really matter to her. As long as she had a place to sleep and enough room to paint. Just like the time in Birmigham, they laughed and talked. Harry was really a lovely man and Jamie was releived that there was finally a man that didn't want anything from her, demanded something from her. He simply respected and admired her. After lunch Harry showed her the house and it was exactly as he had described. It was a bright white painted house with a small balcony in the front on the first floor. The house was build between two others, and showed somewhat resemble to the rest of the houses on that street. Once inside, a wave of warmth hit her face and Jamie smiled at the royaal blue wallpaper that decorated the hallway. It was so much different than her own house back in Birmingham. She almost felt ashamed of how her house looked, now looking at this beauty. "It's really breathtaking" she gushed, admiring the gold details on the ceiling and wallframes. "I know, right? Wait until you see the rest." Harry smiled swinning open the double glass doors, reveiling a large living area. Not what you would expect from the outside.  Jamie grinned. "I love it" The gold and blue color palette was also used here to decorate the living area, yet in a way that it all fitted perfectly. "I don't know if you hire someone to decorate these houses for you to sell them but I really want to congratulate them." Jamie said, twirling around. "My sister will be pleased to hear about that" 

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