Chapter 2

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As much as I had missed my friend, damn near brother because blood couldn't make us any closer, I was nervous about seeing him. Nervous about him seeing me like this. As I stared out the window of the plane that flew my drained body back to RDU in Raleigh, I felt anxiety bubble up in my stomach. It wasn't even anxiety about my parents to be quite honest. It was about facing all the shit I thought I left behind in Fayetteville. Shit that Devon so mercilessly brought to my attention during our phone call once I was released from the hospital the night after I'd received the news about my parents.

Devon was the quiet friend in our clique. He was always just kind of there, like a quiet but lethal solider. Back then, we had no idea that Devon was gay, not that it would've mattered one way or another. He hid it very well. He hid a lot of things. That was just Devon's nature. "Mind your fuck ass business" was his motto.

We also didn't know until years of being friends what Devon was going through at home. His mother had some type of mental illness, to this day I have no clue what kind. Devon would never tell us. After years of seeing scars and bruises and being all around concerned about my friend, I asked what the deal was. All he would ever say is, "She'll get what's coming to her one day. They see everything, the world is funny like that." After that, Devon began to change. He became more of a budding rose than a wilting tulip. We tried to protect Devon every way we knew how, and it wasn't until today that I realized he never needed out protection. It's crazy how he would end up protecting me.

I opened my eyes after not even realizing I had fallen asleep. I stretched my tired ass limbs in an attempt to look at least a little bit alive by the time the plane landed. I checked my cellphone and immediately got confused. It was as if time had went back. I stared out the window trying to make sense of the shit, when I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head in disbelief as I took in the fact that Devon was seated beside me. I looked at him as he spoke, mouth moving a mile a damn minute.

"Bitch, why the fuck are you looking at me like you just saw the most beautiful ghost ever?" Devon asked me as he flipped his imaginary ass hair. I continue to stare at him. I'm so confused..I know I'm tired but fuck. I know I got on this plane...without Devon. I looked out of the window just in time to see a clear blue sky change into what seemed like limitless darkness. "Devon, where are we going?" I felt the need to ask, just so I could gauge my level of crazy correctly. Devon looked at me and chuckled, and that shit completely threw me off. What the fuck was so funny? Most importantly, what the fuck was going on?

"Sometimes, Sol, life takes us places that we aren't sure about. What you can be sure about though bitch, is that everything that happens leads us exactly where the hell we're supposed to be. Humans are so controlling. What I've learned in this life is just sit back, shut your ass up and go for the ride. Life ain't gon' take you nowhere your ass aint supposed to be. Now, please. You're fuckin up my Zen." Devon placed his sunglasses on his smooth chocolate skin and laid his head back. Irritated that he didn't answer my question, I went to open my mouth as he held his hand up and shook his head. "Girl, hush." he said to me without even opening his eyes.

As I sat back in my seat, stunned, the flight attendant came over the speaker of the plane. "Thank you so much for choosing Moreau Airlines. We are now at the beginning of our descension back into the earth plane. Please relax your mind and your body as we prepare for landing. If you have any questions or concerns, your higher self is available for service. Once again, thank you for flying Moreau Airlines."

I sat in my seat, not believing what I had just heard. It was my mother's voice. It was clear as day. Luna Dupree had a voice you couldn't mistake for anybody else's. I looked around the cabin and as my eyes made it back to my seat I realized Devon was no longer there. I searched around for someone to help my ass, I spotted a flight attendant coming down the aisle.

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