Chapter 4

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As we sat in silence, so many thoughts ran through my head. How the entire fuck do you lose two whole bodies? Something wasn't sitting right with me. I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. As I looked down, Mila's name flashed across my screen. I ignored the call. I wasn't in the right frame of mind to deal with anybody right now. Kyleena squinted her eyes and squeezed my hand before she spoke. "So, you mean to tell me that someone...lost my parent's corpses? is that even a possibility?" Kyleena shouted, expecting an answer. Detective Moreau who was still avoiding eye contact stood up behind her desk.

"Ladies, I wish I had an answer for you. We have been working trying to find the answers to how this could've happened or who could've done it. Like I stated, this isn't something that has ever happened before, but believe me. The Fayetteville Police Department is working around the clock to find out. Any leads that we have we assure you, you will be contacted," she asserted, as if this was supposed to make that shit feel any better. Not wanting to hear shit else, I got up and walked out. This shit was getting heavier and heavier by the minute and between great great grand-who the fuck ever and this shit, I was well on my way to being locked away in a hug me jacket. As I walked up to where Devon was sitting, I felt dreaded anticipation in having to repeat what I just heard. Luckily, I heard Ky's heels clicking fast, trying to catch up with me. As she shouted my name, I couldn't make my body stop moving. I felt like if I stopped, everything would be that much more real. As I walked past Devon, I grabbed his car keys out of his hand. Running toward the car, I felt like I was about to implode.

Why was all of this happening right now? Great, Great Grand who- the- fuck- ever talkin about I'm chosen. Does this shit come with a side of therapy? A manual? Something?! I felt safe as I hopped into Devon's truck and closed the door. I watched Devon and Ky stand outside of the truck talking, Devon's face stretched in horror as Ky filled him in on what's going on. Devon and my sister hugged it out, and Devon walked around to the driver's side of the truck. Knocking twice on the window for me to unlock it, he hopped in.

"Sol, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I know what to say to you right now, but I'm here," Devon reassured me. "Don't be mad at me, but Mila is flying in tonight and I think we all need to sit down and talk," Devon's voice quivered as he waited for my reaction. All I could muster was a death stare. I swear if looks could kill. I knew what that meant. If Mila was coming, this is way bigger than what I originally thought. Mila is the person that we call when some OTHER shit is going down. I started to think maybe that's why I've been having so many dreams, and visions. Speaking of dreams and visions, I remembered the book my great great grandmother asked me to give to Devon. I decided to wait until we were all together collectively to give it to him. Nobody needed any more surprises now. "Sooooo.. where do you wanna go?" Devon asked, trying to let me direct the moves. I had been avoiding my parents' house all day and couldnt really avoid it any longer. Yea, I could get a hotel room but I wouldn't feel right. After a long thought out pause, I told Devon to take me home.

As we pulled up, I noticed there were a couple of cars in the driveway. I didn't really pay any mind to it, you know how it is in black families when someone passes. Their family house is the hot spot to mourn. My parents knew a lot of people so it wasn't surprising. Hell, I'm honestly glad people were there because who knows what the fuck Dre's crazy ass has been in here doing. As I walked up on the front porch of my childhood home, I felt a sense of foreboding urgency wash over my ass. I just felt like some stale ass, unwelcoming energy smacked me in the face. I looked behind me to see Devon digging around in the car. As bad as I wanted to walk in, I waited for Devon to come on the porch.

"You ok? I mean I can take you somewhere else if you wanna go, a bitch is always down for somebody's Hilton, I'm just sayin'," Devon offered as he read the worry on my face. Feeling a little more confident now that he was backing me, I turned the heavy oak door to my parents' house and walked in. In the living room sat Samuel and Luciana, who are Mila's parents, Marisol who is Mila's grandmother and my brother. Fuck. Something definitely was not right. I turned and looked at Devon and his look confirmed what I was feeling. Luciana, who is like a second mother to me jumped out of her seat and greeted me at the door. Without saying a word, I knew she could tell I knew something was going on. "Come mija, sit," she urged, pushing me toward the family room. After getting hugs from everyone not including my asshole of a brother, I had to acknowledge the elephant in the room. "Sooo, what are you guys doing here? I thought Mila's flight wasn't landing until in the morning," I tried to act totally oblivious to what I was feeling. Luciana looked at me with this look I'd never seen in her eyes before. She stared at me long and hard before she started speaking. "How did did everything go down at the police station," she quizzed me. I had this sinking feeling she was diverting the issue. Well, that and I just wasn't ready to talk about the police station. I had to eventually tell my brother, and that shock value was gon' be high enough.

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