Ch. 40

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Seeing Things
Ch. 40

Jane's P.O.V.

So William has helped me control my thirst which has actually worked but caused us to spend a large amount of time together.

Today I just spent the day in his office as he worked. I entertained myself with a book or my phone most the day.

Occasionally William would look over and ask how I was or if I was okay. My answers were always the same.

I couldn't wait to eat dinner my blood thirst had just turned into actual hunger.

"When's dinner!" I whine rolling from my laying position on the couch.

Rolling to far I fell to the ground with a oomph. I winced but started to laugh.

William's rolling chair moved and his feet were soon in my eyesight.

I started to chuckle and I looked up to see a smirk on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked offing a hand along with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but seriously, when's dinner?"I ask taking his hand to stand up.

"Jane you asked like thirty minutes ago." He laughed.

"So like five minutes right? Ohhhh yessssss! I'm so hungry!" I exaggerate a little.

"Let get food in you my goodness." William shook his head starting walking to the dinning room.

I take my normal seat and wait for others to fill in.

The table had beef Bourguignon with sides of rice, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

I scooped two heaps of mashed potatoes, one scoop of rice, three scoops of the beef, and one of vegetables.

"Did you get enough there?" Nate asked looking over my plate.

"Probably not." I said stuffing my mouth.

A soft chuckle that was barely audible admitted from across the table. I looked as did many others and made eye contact with a smirking William.

With food in my cheeks I did a closed mouth smile and he shook his head looking back down to his plate.

Many whispers went around the table. Some were about my eating habits, others were about the Alphas smirk, but most were about they way I had made the Alpha more calm or nicer.

I smiled at the comments that were going around. But let me just tell you! I chowed down!!!!

Everyone was getting done but I just started my third plate and was staring to get full.

Everyone left the dining room by the time I was finished.

"You done now?" William asked from behind me.

"Yes Alpha." I saw sweetly smiling and getting up.

"Don't say that." He groaned.

"Haha okay." I said laughing at what I did on accident.

"Are you ready for bed? The full moons tomorrow so you should get some rest." He informed me.

I nod my head and left my seat. Walking up the stairs questions for tomorrow ran though my head.

"What are you thinking about?" Ha asked.

"Does it hurt?"


"Do I meet my wolf immediately?"


"Does she know my whole life or is it like she's born when I turn?" I ask excited to finally get what I've waited for for so long.

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