bill skarsgård and boobs

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i don't know what the fuck this shit is and no one's probably going to read it, but yeah I'm doing it because I can't write for shit. (I'm secretly writing a smut novel and y'all don't need to know about it)

but there is one thing i'm sure about; I love Bill. not Bill Clinton or Bill Gates (Windows XP startup music) , I love Bill Skarsgård.


you're probably wondering, why? Why do I love bill? Bitch because he is my child, and now he's slaying my miserable existence. Thank you my child.

Now mainly I wrote this book because people have been wanting to know who I am (not really) and I'm probably already disappointing them because they thought I'd be funnier than this smh I hate myself.

I'm not really funny I JUST TRY And I put years of hard work and research on every funny thing I say, okay? It's not easy to try to act like a normal human being.

First of all, My name is Hoe and I live in the outskirts of the Pacific Ocean. That is all you need to know about me. I love smut too. I watch porn a lot AKAKSKAKoSK hoe don't look at me like that, you know you watch them too fucking lying ass bitch I'mma smack you in the face.

But mostly I watch porn for the entertainment, and no I don't masturbate to it or anything, I just really watch it and focus on the titties bc I hate dick. I mean, yeah I like dick too (I'm a virgin), but you know what I mean? Like, if you shove boobs into someone's face they'd be all over it and they'd be fucking admiring it and shit, but if you show someone a dick pic they'd block you and your friendship would be over before you even know it.

Let's just say bill skarsgård and boobs make me question my sexuality. I don't know what I am yet but we'll get there hunny just wait.

Also, I comment a lot on smut books in Wattpad because I don't have a life, but we'll tackle that on another chapter. For now I just wanted to start this book and put my daily bullshit in it so people could understand my struggles idk just stupid stuff, bare with me

I'll constantly update this book and put pictures in it or some shit of people I want to fuck.

Yeah I guess that's about it bye hoes

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