Jin's Ma Bast Friend

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I walked two steps but I turned back. I saw JM written on the back of his jacket. We both locked eyes. And turned away again. I went to the washroom and saw the girl. I told her,"You can go back. He went now." She said,"Thank you. I'm Jaehee. Call me Jae." I said,"Hey.  I'm Tay. Call me..well, that's obvious, Tay. Hey, I gotta go somewhere.. So, bye!"

I walked home, humming a tune. When I reached home, I saw Jin. I yelled,"AYO LADIES AN' GENTLEMEN!! LOOK WHO'S HERE!!!" Jin looked at me and whispered,"Two of my friends are here." I said,"Oh. You have friends??" He looked at me and shook his head, saying"Come on..Gimme a break. I'll introduce you to my friends."

I went to the kitchen with Jin and saw two people. One looked tall, slim and....Dunno, he looked incredible. The other one was half-sleeping. I said,"Hi." The second dude looked up. He said,"Hi. I'm Min Yoongi. But I'm known as Suga." The first dude said,"Hi. I'm Namjoon. But I'm known as Rap Monster but you probably know that already."

I asked,"Why would I know that already?"

They both looked at Jin. Jin said,"What?? I wanted it to be a surprise for her." I said,"What surprise?" Jin said,"I...I was in a band since I joined high school. I didn't tell you because I wanted  it to be a surprise for you when you reach high school." I smirked and said,"Great. What's your band name? I hope your other name isn't Worldwide Handsome Jin or something.."

He said,"BTS."

I said,"What?? You??You. Are a part of..of..BTS?? He said,"Why so surprised?" I said,"Oh..Nothing. Just felt.... wow-ed."

I looked at Suga and Rap Monster and said,"By the way, I'm Tay. Wow, that rhymed. So, are there more than three of you in this band??" Namjoon said,"Yes. There are four more." Suga said,"J-hope. Jungkook. Taehyung. And Jimin." I said,"I hope I'll get to meet them." Suga said,"Yeah. You will. Some day. Hey Jin, I think we should leave now. Goodbye. Goodbye Tay."

I went to my room and sat down on my bed. Jin came in and said,"Did you have any dream-kills today??"
He always called it a dream-kill. My dreams. It always reminded  me of my past. The pain I felt in dream, occured in real life. It felt weird. I always think that if I die in my dream, I'd suffer the pain of death in real life too. The difference was, there was no physical injuries. Only mental pain.

I replied to him,"Yeah. A not-so-important one." He asked,"Did it hurt?" I shook my head. He said,"Fine. I'll get you some of my tasty LUNCH!!" I smiled and he went to the kitchen. 

And I slept.

● ● ●

I woke up early and saw Jin's lunch on the table. I took it and kept in my bag. I got ready for school. I dressed up and looked at the mirror. I saw myself dressed in blue jeans and black hoodie. I got out of my house and walked towards towards school.

While walking, I saw a shop full of anime merch. I bought a Yato doll since he was the love of my life.. I stared at it for 3 seconds and kept it inside my bag.

I reached the school and I went straight to class. Mr. Hoseok looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and sat down on my chair. He took the class and left as fast as he could.

I stretched and saw someone. She was glaring at me. I put my hands down and asked her,"Is something wrong, miss?" Then I realised...The whole class was looking at me. I said,"Or should I say, class??" One girl said,"You shouldn't have hit him." A dude said,"Yes. You're in big trouble now."

I understood what they meant. They were talking about the bully. I said,"Well...It was his fault." The dude said,"We all know that, but you made him angry." Then, everyone turned their faces away from me. I saw that the teacher was back.

He said,"A surprise test fa you kids. Write everything you know." Everyone groaned. But some of the girls were looking at  him like he was a ray of sunshine. He gave us our papers and we did the test. It was easy.  He collected the papers and said,"Class dismissed."

We got out of the class and I went straight to the school balcony. I took out Jin's lunch and started eating it.

I was eating when I heard a creak sound. Someone came in. It was the bully. He didn't see me. He sat on the other side of the balcony. He sat down and hugged his legs. He looked up.

And then, he saw me.

Hello, it's your author-nim here. How's life?? Hope it's amazing. If there is something wrong with the story, comment please!!

From your Ray of Awesomeness ~A/N

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