That Conversation By The Pond

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Tay's POV

"Will you.."

Just then, I got a call from Jin.

" YOOOOO!!! HOW ARE YOU, BRO?? Is Taehyung with you?? You know something??? The school is closed for one month because of the weird snowy weather. If only you were here, we could've gone with dad and mom to that place we always went to. And Jimin misses you.." A voice in the background screamed NO I DON'T!!

Jin continued," Sure, he does. He's been eating buns in your memory." The same voice screamed I LIKE BUNS, SHUT UP JIN!! Jin said," Don't interrupt me, Jimin. Anyways, anything happen lately??"

I slowly smiled to myself. And then I said," You're letting me speak.. Finally.. Dude, is everyone listening??" He replied," Yeah.. Should I off the speaker??" I said," No. I was just asking. So, I found out that Taehyung's grandfather is also my grandfather."

There was an awkward silence.

Jin spoke in a low voice," What?" I said," My mom's dad.. You know, my grandpa whom I thought I lost during my coma??" He said," Yeah. I remember him." "Yeah. He recognized me. And I also remembered that my mom had a twin sister. And Taehyung's dad is my mom's brother. We're FRIGGIN COUSINS!!! I'm so happy!!!" I looked at Tae, and he looked happy too.

Taehyung said," This shit got me mind-blown." Jin said," I feel you, bro. I know you'll suffer with her cause I already did." He stopped. I asked him," What is it??" He said," Nothing.." He sounded sad. I said," Tell me. What happened??"

He said," If you found your family, you can return back to them, right? You don't have to come back, right?? After all, we took care of you.. But we're not your actual family." I said," You're an idiot, Jin. We're buddies forever. You're like a part of me. I won't leave you. You're like my soul mate." "Don't say that. Jimin will get hurt." Jimin screamed CAN YOU STOP?? I laughed. "Well, no, not my soul mate. You're ugly. And also, aww.. you'll miss me so much if I didn't come back." "Shut up, Tay. No one likes you." "You do." "Shut up." "No, you shut up."

I gave the phone to Taehyung. "You wanna say something to them??" He said," Yeah, sure." He took the phone from me and they started their bickering. They talked for a while and Taehyung kept the phone.

I said," You.. were saying something."

He took a deep breath. And just said it.

"Will you be my sister??"

I said," I don't understand."

He said," I want you to be my sister. I.. I want to adopt you. This is weird but I need you."

I said nothing. I thought My brother.. My dear brother.. Why did you leave?? Your cheerful face was what kept me going..

I asked him," Why?? I'm a bad omen, Taehyung."

And then Taehyung told me a story.

" I wanted a sister.

I was alone in my family so I wanted a sister. My parents agreed that they wanted a baby too. I couldn't wait. And the next year, my mom became pregnant. Everyone was celebrating. Just the day before delivery, we put a party and invited many people. I still remember playing with all my cousins.

And the next day, my mom gave birth to a girl. The prayers I had given were answered. But the prayers that I forgot to give..

I could hear my mother screaming and crying. And just after she gave birth, me and my dad went in to check on her. She was looking pale. She brought me in closer and kissed my forehead. And the next moment, she was gone.

I took absolute care of my sister. I did everything for her till she was two. One day, she coughed blood.

We took her to the doctor and he said that she only had a few days to live. And those few days passed. You know how I would've felt."

I didn't want to say anything. We kept quiet for some time.

I said," What is with y'all, anyways?? Jimin has a sad story. You have a sad story. Jin also has something sad."

Taehyung stared at me as if I had forgotten something. He said," You don't know??" I said "Don't know what??"

Taehyung stared deeply into my eyes, trying to reach for a soul that wasn't there, and said," BTS was made on a set of traumas.."

Sup, babes..

How's life??

Awesome here..

I missed writing this..

So, hope you liked this chapter..

I'm reading this webtoon called 'A Guy Like You'. If there's anyone here who reads webtoons, please recommend some for me.

-Your Ray Of Awesomeness, Grim Reaper

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