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Jimin's POV

The girl was different. She didn't wear hiked up skirts, tiny tops, extra makeup, or seductive hair extensions. She was simple. Red hoodie and black sweatpants.

She came, trying to stop me from bullying the witch. Maybe, she didn't know what the annoying witch did to me.

That Jaehee was truly creepy. She followed me all the time, told everyone that I was her boyfriend and even tried sneaking into my house. I had to punish her or I would've ended up like my dad who wanted good for everyone.

When the anonymous girl saved Jaehee, I was surprised. Nobody dared to do anything to me, other than Jaehee. So, when she came back, I tried to annoy her. And I totally didn't expect her to judo-flip me.  I mean, I have a reputation. So, I didn't do anything. I waited  for a nice opportunity to have revenge.

And then I found out that Jhope was her teacher. I gave her the gift. I bet she would've screamed till she could no more. That thorn-trap was pretty hard to put.

I thought that it was enough for a day when Jin invited me for a sleepover.

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When I reached Jin's house, along with Jungkook and Taehyung, I sat down as I wanted to watch the new movie. And who expected her to trip over me.

Tay's POV

I looked at Jin and said,"No. This...this Jimin???" Jin frowned and said,"Bully??"  I said,"Yes. He was bullying someone."

Jin looked at Jimin and said,"Why do you still do it?" He said,"What?? She's annoying." I said,"She looked pretty nice to me."

We glared at each other. I looked at the two others and said,"Who're they again?" Jin said,"That's Taehyung, known as V. And that's Jungkook."

I said pointing at Jimin,"You were with him right?" They said,"Yeah."

I snatched Jin's phone and said,"My phone's battery is dead. Imma use it. Bye.." And I went to my room.

I checked my schedule in my mail. It said:

"Friday 10th, December."
"7:00 PM"
"There is a match between The Giant Fist and Black Bolt."

I groaned and I lied on my bed. Jin came in and asked,"Any of them today?" I said,"Yeah. Mr. Hose--, I mean Jhope saw me cry during class." He asked,"Was it serious?" 

I said,"This one...This one made me feel really bad. For half-an-year. I couldn't take it." And I told him about my dream. 

I also told him,"There is a match this Friday.. At 7 PM. Between Black Bolt and the Giant Fist."  He said,"Atleast this time, I wish I'll be able to get a ticket and meet Black Bolt." He laughed.

I took his phone and booked hima ticket, saying,"No one knows about the match yet. You'll probably get the ticket this time.."

I prayed that Jin would get the ticket. He tried getting it most of the time but the tickets would be sold-out.

Jin asked me,"Can you book one for the others too?" I asked him, frowning,"Even for Jimin??" He said,"Yes. Even for Jimin. And also, don't completely blame him for bullying the girl. Something happened. That's why."

I said,"What about him bullying me? I had  to judo-flip him." He shouted,"You judo-flipped him??" I nodded and he ran downstairs.

Jimin's POV

I saw Jin running downstairs. He shouted at me,"Did she judo-flip you??" Everyone looked at me like What Jimin?? Got judo-flipped by a girl???  I felt that my face was a very dark shade of red.

I said,"I was in a shock!! She took advantage of that!"

Tay came down and said,"Nope. Totally not. You were catching my wrist and not letting me move."  I said,"Liar!" She said,"You are the--" But she got interrupted by Jin,"You didn't do anything else, right Jimin?" I said,"No."
Tay said,"He gave me a gift." Jin said,"Was it the gift??" I said,"Yes."

Jin screamed,"Oh. You are GROUNDED until you learn to behave with this young lady here."

I said,"So I have to stay here??"  He nodded. And Tay put her tongue out at me.

Tay said,"We got it Jin!! We got the tickets!!"

Jin screamed around us. He said,"We get to go and see Black Bolt's new match!!" Rap mon said,"You mean, his new fight?? With the Giant Fist??" Jin screamed,"YAASSS!!"

Everyone were so happy but became even more happy when Jin said,"As we're the first ones to book a ticket, we also get to see Black Bolt."

I liked Black Bolt. Because he didn't look that buff or beefy or anything. He looked like a normal human who knew how fight pretty good. He also had that name of that Marvel superhero. And boy, was I excited for this match..

Everyone, including Tay, sat down to watch the movie "Justice League". The CDs cost like a one hundred dollars!!

While watching the movie, I glanced at Tay. She was very interested in the movie. I went down as sat next to her. She put her fists up as if I was gonna hit her. I said,"I'm not gonna hit you or anything. Atleast not now." She put her hands down.

I asked,"Do you know Black Bolt? I would be surprised if you don't.  You are not like those clichè girls I know. "  She said,"Of course. I know him. He's my favourite wrestler.""Then, why aren't you excited for his match?"

"I'm afraid. I mean, did you look at Giant Fist's size. Black Bolt is puny compared to him. If Black Bolt can't win, I think he be left with permanent scars physically and start thinking negatively about his body.."

I stared at her. I asked,"How do you know all this?" She said,"Umm....Uhhh..I met him once. I got a backstage pass. Ooh. Look Aquaman. Reminds me of Percy Jackson."I asked,"Who's Percy Jackson???" She put a hand over her chest and said,"Ouch. He is...a superhero. Who has control over water and things related to his dad, Poseidon." I said,"Aah. Okay." And turned back to the movie.

Tay's POV

Jimin asked me things about Black Bolt. I thought that I told him too much about what Black Bolt felt. But he didn't know who Black Bolt was.

It was me..

Heya!! How's life?? Amazhang here... Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Your Ray of Awesomeness~A/N

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