The first 'not so date' date

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Am really really sorry for being MIA for so long....I just had so much of school work and blah blah blah... Ya know the usual. But ok am here now...

Sorry again :)


Zayn's P.O.V.


That is how I feel right now.


That is also how I feel right now.

This is my first date in so many years. I have literally forgotten how to behave and talk on dates.

Not that am able to talk much in Liam's presence but whatever.

Am sitting ready on the couch, my leg bouncing up and down in excitement and of course nervousness.

Liam should be here any minut- knock knock (A/N haha this is funny :D....or not?)

I dash to the door like a mad man running from a dog and swing it open.

And damnnnnnnn...

There stands the sexiest man on the planet in a simple black shirt and faded jeans.

Gosh those biceps mmmmm ;)

"Lookin good Zaynie boy"

I look down at my black skinny jeans, white tee and my fave leather jacket and... yeah ok I don't look bad.

"You're the one talking" I scoff which only gets me a smirk in reply.

"You ready babe?" I nod locking my door and we are out walking towards his car which might I add looks mighty fine.

Don't know what car it is, never really paid enough attention on cars but it looks elegant.

but... I don't know how he can afford such a nice car from a mere coffee shop's pay.

"Its a gift from my parents" I look at him confused..

"The car. A gift from my parents for my birthday."

and oh. Think he saw my expression then.

"Oh looks cool." Yeah I know that is the only thing I can say now cause as I told you I have not much idea about cars.

Now we are sitting in the theatre, we've decided to watch the only movie which had tickets available.

I really don't even know the name of the movie, some sappy movie.

Its not like Liam is watching. He is too busy on his mobile, furiously typing something.

Since past half an hour hes been on his blackberry typing furiously.

He has a blackberry and an iPhone???

Whatever his parents must be rich.

His face looks as if he has been hit by a truck.

"Liam you ok?"

no response.

"Liam, Li.." I try and shake is shoulders and that is when he finally looks at me.


I am taken aback by his voice level. Even a few other people turn to look at us.

Suddenly Liam's face softens.

"Shit Zayn sorry just a bit stressed yeah." he says giving me a small smile.

"Mind me asking what happened?"

His face falters for a second and he takes a long pause as if contemplating what to say.

"Nothing just some family problems." He shrugs.

" Lets just enjoy the movie yeah Zaynie boy?" There goes that name and that stupid sexy smirk.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder, shifting a bit closer.

"OK sure." I say immediately to hide my blush and embarrassment.

After that incident Liam doesn't even look at his phone even though his face tells he wants to but he doesn't. And I appreciate his efforts.

Rest of the movie went on with us sneaking glances at each other, his hand rubbing my shoulder every few minutes making goosebumps rise.

After the movie is finished nothing much happens. Liam had to rush somewhere.

He did walk me from the car to my door while holding hands.

Leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"I had fun today babe. And am sorry we couldn't spend more time. I had all dinner and everything planned but well my family really needs maybe we can save it for the next date??"

My heart ached at the thought of family but then quickly recovered, fluttering on the words 'next date'.

"Its ok Li I understand, in fact am glad too that you care so much about your family."

I really am glad he does. Makes me happy that he at least has a family. Even though it shouldn't it makes me envy him.

"Well then see you tomorrow Zaynie boy" And with a kiss to my cheek and his trademark smirk he was off.

Letting out a happy sigh I entered my small house.

Today after so many days I was so happy.

And yeah I did realize that Liam kissed me on my cheek and not my mouth but this was just our first date. And plus I think its good that he did just that or else I would've been overwhelmed.

Its been ages since someone has wanted to spend time with me. And am happy that that someone was Liam. Finally a person I can talk to and share my trust with.


"How many times do I have to tell you that his art is not to be selected? huh?HOW MANY BLOODY TIMES?!!!"

"Mst. Payne please calm down. We are trying our best to remove his name but its not easy when its got the majority votes an-"

"I DON'T CARE!! Who even put up his art in the selection?! Look whatever it is I want his name removed. RE-MOVED!! You got me?!"

"Yes sir, yes. I will try to do everything I can."

"You better. I don't want to see Zayn Malik's name in the list at all!!"

No Zayn, you are not wining this too.

This time you are the one going down my zaynie boy.

*evil laugh*


Lol the evil laugh thing was funny. Am gonna try my best to update this more frequently.

Please tell me if my way of writing is weird or if something is to be improved. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Just please be a bit polite :) :)

Thank you, whoever is reading this, you are making someone happy :) :) :)

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