♤ thirteen ♤

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* continuation from chap twelve *


"I don't deserve someone better. Youre the only person i deserve and i hope you fucking realised that"

Wonho said as he was ready to walk away, leaving Hyungwon behind, leaving everything bebind because he has no hope. Hyungwon look at the figure, walking away slowly from him. Before Wonho could even disappear from his sight, he ran to the black haired guy and backhug him.

"P-please.. Please don't leave me again"

Hyungwon said as he tighten the hug, snuggle his head into the shorter's neck as hot tears started flowing down from his cheeks, sniffling non-stop. The other guy, who is a second away from crying, hold back his tears as he look down, not knowing what to reply. A seconds later, Wonho loosen their hug as he held onto the taller's hand, facing him.

"I'm sorry"

Hyungwon apologised while looking down, making Wonho frowned as the older male guy placed his fingers on the taller's chin, lifting it up so that Hyungwon is looking at him.

"You shouldn't be sorry.. I'm the one who should be. I mean like, I ran away even before you could explain, I didnt even give you time to explain. I misunderstood every single thing and made you feel as if its was all your fault when its not. I regretted being super childish, i feel like smacking myself whenever i remembered ive hurt you--"

Before Wonho could continue his sentences, he felt a soft lips pressed against his. Since he has been missing that lips for years, he didnt hesitate to kiss the taller back. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. The younger's hand rested below the shorter's ear while the shorter arms reached up and tangled around the taller's beautiful neck. Few moments later, they broke apart for air as Wonho rested his head on Hyungwon's chest, able to hear the taller's heartbeat.

"Your heart is beating too fast"

Wonho said, chuckle as Hyungwon just look away but continued resting on the shorter's head.

"Like your heart doesn't beat as fast as mine"

Hyungwon replied, more in a sulking way which made Wonho chuckle at the younger as he pull away from the younger.

"You know, I have never stopped loving you right?"

Wonho said, looking sincerely into the taller's eyes as smile crept across Hyungwon's lips.

"I do know that"

Hyungwon said and smile, cupping the shorter's cheeks, making his boyfriend looks cuter as ever. Without hesitation, Hyungwon peck his boyfriend's lips, making the older startled as he blinked his eyes few times.

"Is not like it's the first time we ki-"

Before Hyungwon could say any longer, Wonho cut his sentence off.

"Y-yah! It was too sudden thats why i was shocked"

Wonho said, trying to avoid looking into the taller's eyes.

"You look cute when youre shy"

Hyungwon said, indirectly teasing the older.

"I love you, I'm really I put you through so much"

Hyungwon started talking after few seconds of silence.

"I've been missing you so much, I missed you alot won, I really did"

Wonho said, voice cracked while letting out his emotions. Hyungwon took a step forward and hugged the brown haired guy.

"We'll be happier, I promise"

"We'll be happier, I promise"

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s.wonho happier with you <3 @ chyungwon15
view all 425 comments
yookiyawn THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER !!!!!!

wonho happier with you <3 @ chyungwon15view all 425 commentsyookiyawn THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER !!!!!!shyunwoo TO ALL OF THE HUMANS OUT THERE WONHO IS HYUNGWON'S AND HYUNGWON IS WONHO'Simwhatiam YAYYYYY HYUNGWONHOjoohoney AHHHHHHHHHHH CONGRATSSSS

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chyungwon15 glad to be yours once again <3 @ s.wonho
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joohoney AAWWW SO CUTE


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