one shot 3

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Meet my girlfriend

I sat at on the couch with Ned. We are having our last Star Wars movie marathon before we graduate highschool. We already started with a bunch of them last night now we are continuing at like nine in the morning.

"Are you boys still good?" May asks walking to where we are seated on the couch.

"Yeah we're good," I say looking down at my phone.

"Peter just call MJ already you keep staring down at your phone every five seconds," Ned says irritated.
"Who's MJ?" May asks.

"She doesn't know!" Ned says shocked.

I place my head in my hand and sigh. Sometimes Ned just doesn't listen. I remember telling him that May doesn't know about my relationship with Michelle.

It's not because I don't love her or want her to know, but she nosy and she's gonna want to know everything and she's gonna want to meet her and did I mention she's gonna want to know EVERYTHING!

"Peter who is MJ? Is she a new crush!?" May plants herself right next to me.

Ring Ring
I quickly pick up my phone.
"Hey...yeah...but MJ...I can't...Yeah okay fine," I quickly get up.

"Peter where are you going!?" Ned asks.

"I have to go pick up Michelle," I say getting up.

"Oh I'll drive you," May says eager.

"No,thank you I can drive on my own?" I say picking up the car keys.

"Didn't she say her parents where on their way to Brooklyn for the weekend?" Ned said.

"Yes, but she changed her mind last minute now she's gonna stay with Mrs Anne for the rest of the weekend," I say putting on a jacket.

"Her Aunt on the floor below us?" He says.

"Yes," I say and pick up the keys to the car.

"I'll be back," I dart for the door.
"Bring her over for lunch!!" I hear my aunt yell.

"So you're aunt doesn't know about me and she thinks you have a crush on me," MJ says dryly.

"Yeah basically," I say starting the car.

"You technically do," she says with a chuckle.

"Well you 'technically' do to...You're my girlfriend," I say.

"Don't make me regret that," she says as a warning, but I just laugh bringing her hand to my lips and I kiss her knuckles.

"Stop doing that," she says, but I sneak a glance at her face and there is a slight tint in her cheeks and a small smile playing at her lips.

"My aunt wants you to come over for lunch," I say.

"Dope," she says squeezing my hand tighter.

"Just warning she's nosy and she'll want to butt in," I say.

"Then we'll politely tell her to back of when it becomes to bad," MJ says running her fingers through my hair.

"Aunt May please don't be weird about it," I beg.

"Peter calm down," May says,"pizza is on it's way and everything will be fine," she says.

"MJ is a vegetarian please tell me you guys got-"

"Don't worry dude we ordered a large plain pizza and one large pepperoni," Ned says and I sigh.

"Oooh I can't wait to meet Peter's crush!!" May says excited.
"Well actually May-"


I walk to the door and open it she's like four min early and the pizza isn't even here.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey come on in," I peck her cheeks and she steps inside.

"Hey I'm Michelle Peters girlfriend," she holds out her hand and May shakes her hand slowly.

"May, meet my girlfriend," Peter says.

"Oh my goodness! It's so great to meet you okay, okay tell m how this all happened," Michelle turned to me then back to May who was basically pulling her to the couch.

And as you guys probably guessed MJ almost died under all the questions and she had to go home early because she had a sudden "headache".

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