one shot 8

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My little Peter

(A/N So this one shot is low-key more about Aunt May and her fears and I show MJ in a very softer light because I believe when it comes to Peter we are all a little soft)

I look at my phone. This class is boring me to death. I see Ned looking a little worried and I get curious. I lean over to him.

"Why does your face look more stupid than usual?" I say then I saw his phone. He was in Aunt May's contact then a new message popped up from the chat then he quickly hid it thinking I didn't see.

You see Peter is gone to fight in the Infinity War and yesterday it was announced that the war was over, but a bunch of the Avenger were missing including my boyfriend and we've all been going crazy. Me a little more then the rest.

"N-Nothing..." he says and he started visibly sweating.
"What are you and May talking about?" I say giving him my famous 'piss in your pants' look.
"Nothing Michelle," he stutters. I grab him by his collar.
"If you have information about Peter I strongly suggests you tell me now," I say.
"Michelle Jones can you kill Mr. Leeds after class...thank you," Mr. Jarring says and I let go of Ned, but in the process I manage to snatch his phone before he could protest.

Ned: Any news?

Aunt May: Well there is, but please don't say anything to Michelle

Ned: Yeah I won't say anything

Aunt May: He is at the tower. He is in some type of coma but he's bound to wake up soon

Ned: Can he get more visitors?

Aunt May: Yes...just don't tell Michelle

Ned: Okay...but why not tell her. She's he's girlfriend I'm sure he would want to see her when he wakes up

Aunt May: Ned please...I'll send your pass to your parents with that you can come and go as you please

I was fuming. He's back!! I hand Ned his phone back and get up in the middle of class and I run to my car. You might think I'm crazy driving upstate to the Tower, but I need to see him.

When I got there I was stopped by a bunch of security.
"I need to get through," I say, but they push me back.
"Karen!" I call.
"Miss Jones is the significant other of Mr Parker, she's in the system," the robotic voice says out of no where and the security let me through. Then I spot Happy.
"Happy, where can I find Peter?" I ask breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry Michelle I have strict instructions from May to not let you in there," he says with a sympathetic look on his face.

I chest tightened and I felt like I couldn't breath because the knot in my throat was growing strong. Tears starts to pool in my eyes and I sink against the wall and wrap my arms around my legs and I place my head on my knees.

Peter's POV
I wake up. There was a bright light.
"Peter," Ned said.
"Oh my God Peter," Aunt May appeared.

After a while Ned went home.
"I'm gonna go get some food," Aunt May said.

I felt empty. MJ haven't came to visit me today. I bet she doesn't even know I'm awake.
"Where are you MJ," I whisper.
"She's sitting outside in the lobby," Karen answers.
"What why?" I say weakly sitting up.
"You're Aunt instructed everyone to not let her see you. She's been sitting here everyday after school ever since you've came back."
"How long have I been out?"
"Almost a month," she said.

I nod. Why would Aunt May ban her from being here. I here the door open and the silhouette of the person slowly closes the door as if their sneaking into the room.
"MJ?" I ask and she whips around causing her hood to fall of.
"P-Peter?" She stutters then rushed forward.
"You're here," I cup her face and she starts tearing up.
"Babe don't cry," I say wiping her tears.
"You're okay," she whispers and burried her head in my neck.
"C'mere," she gets up and climb into the bed and cuddles into my side. I wrap my arms around her tighter because it felt great. She made everything great. Every fiber of my being felt content with her in my arms.

"I thought you were gonna...and May wouldn't let me see you and I had to sneak in here to see you," she sniffed a couple times and I stroked her hair and kiss her forehead.
"I'm right here," I say trying to sooth her.

Aunt May's POV
After I bought myself some food I went straight back to Peter.

When I got there I was met with the sight of Michelle Jones laying next to Peter. I could here her sniff which probably ment she was crying.

"I love you," I hear her say and my eyes tear up. Peter was all I had and sometimes I feel like I was losing him.

There was a time where in was the only woman in his life now I had to hand him over. He wasn't mine anymore and I wasn't his only lady anymore.
"I love you more MJ," I hear him say and I smile. My baby wasn't a baby anymore.

"Stop crying!" I hear him laugh. Then I see him kiss their kissing. I smile and walk away.

Peter was in good hands.

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