one shot 9

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"Are you ok," Peter asks me putting on his suit.
"Uh huh," I say twiddling my fingers shifting around in my seat on my bed.
"Okaayy..." he picks up his mask then he leans in and kiss me. I smile into the kiss then he pulls away.

"I'll be back later tonight," he climbs through the window and away he went into the early night.

I jumped up from bed and ran to the bathroom twiddling my wedding ring. I took out the little bag I stashed earlier today and took out the 10 pregnancy tests I bought.

Babies weren't part of the plan at all...ever. The plan was never to get pregnant at all. I follow the instructions and then I wait.

My heart started beating faster and faster why does 5 min suddenly take so fucking long! The minutes are going by so very slow.

I can't be pregnant. We can't have a baby how will I rule the world with a snotty, bratty, whiny attention seeking baby!?

I walk to the mirror then I saw something I never noticed before. My tummy was actually hard and it had this tiny bulge forming. I lift up my t-shirt and I slowly touch my tummy and an unfamiliar warmth goes through my body.

In here might be a little person. Half me and half Peter. A little person we created...together. My baby...My child.

I might be someone's mother. My phone starts beeping and I run to the bathroom. I look at all the tests and I start crying. They are all positive. I am going to be a mother.

I take them all and place them in my special box. I wipe the tears from my eyes and touch my stomuch, there's a baby in here.

"MJ I'm back," Peter says coming in through the window when he got home later that night.
"Peter," I start.
"I'm gonna go shower," he says kissing my cheek and goes to the bathroom.

15 minutes later he comes out fully dressed and crawls into bed next to me.
"What do you think about having a baby?" I ask.
"You know how I feel about having kids, but you want to rule the world and be the president or something," he says with a hint of sadness.
"You don't want to put up with 'snotty, bratty, whiny attention seeking babies," he says quoting my favourite words from every baby argument we've ever had and let's out a heavy sigh and turns on his side to face me.

I knew how much he wants kids, but I was always the one who objected. I take his warm hand and placed it underneath my (actually his) t-shirt so that it was on top of the little tiny bulge.
"I'm pregnant," I whisper.

He sat up quickly.
"Really!?" He says and I giggle shaking my head yes.
He moves the blanket away and lies his head on my abdomen. I smile and run my hand through his hair.
"Here's a baby in here," he says softly and he kisses my stomach.
"Hey baby," he cooes.
"Peter get back up here," I say and he moves back to his spot on the bed.
"I love you," he says.
"I know," I say then he kisses my forehead and envelopes me into his arms.

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