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( Part 2 of chapter 14)

Michelle Jones sat alone in her room. It was Christmas break and she was at her parents house in Queens. It was quiet cold out and she was staring out of the window outside to the streets.

There were a bunch of crazy people walking around. Couples, old people and joggers and she rolled her eyes at them then took a sop of her warm hot chocolate feeling happy that she's inside.

"Are you gonna contact Peter?" her mom asks and she freezes. When as the last time she spoke to him.

She remembered when she told him she was leaving. It was one of the hardest days of her life, but she was thankful for that day because she got to leave with a light heart.

She didn't date for a while then she met Riley. He was one of the first boys she dated at university and also the boy she lost her virginity to. Big mistake at the end of the day because after that night they called it quits, it just didn't feel right to be together anymore.

After Riley came Payton. She was Michelle's second love. Michelle was in love with Payton and she wasn't ashamed to admit that she loved her. They dated for almost two years then Payton got a job offering in London and what horrible person would she be if she didn't let Payton go. It tore her apart to see Payton go, but a year has gone by and she's already picked up the pieces and moved on, besides, her and Payton are still friends.

Michelle starts thinking about Peter again. They completely lost touch. It was just easier that way. She also lost touch with Ned, but she does check his sosial media posts so she's quiet updated about his life and it seems like he's doing quiet well.

"Hey mom..." She gets up from her comfy seat and puts on a jacket

"Yes Michelle?" her mom replies.

"Does May Parker still live in the same place?" She asks wanting to make sure of that changed in the four years she's been gone.

"Nope she still lives in the same apartment," her mom says and she nods walking to the door.

She doesn't know why she's in front of May Parkers door, but she is. She stares at the door too afraid to knock. It was like if she knocked something bad would happen like the earth would explode.

Michelle just stood there. Her heart stopped when she heard voices on the other side. The voice belonged to none other than Ned Leeds. She smile longingly, but the smile faded quickly because she suddenly realized that she wasn't part of it anymore.

She sadly turns away from the door then she stopped in her tracks because there stood Peter Parker in all of his glory.

He changed in the four years since she's seen him. His hair was lighter and a bit longer. His shoulders looked larger and you could instantly see that he was more ripped than in high school and he grew a full head taller than what he was. He was perfect.

"M-Michelle?" he said. His voice got deeper, but he was still the loser from high school.

"Parker," she said brushing the curls out of her face. It was a habit she picked up at university, a nervous tick.

"You are here... You... How are you?" he asks. His genuine curiosity in his voice almost made her break down. He wanted to know how she was.

"I'm fine... You?" She asked, "anything new? Girlfriend, boyfriend... Job?" she asks awkwardly.

"Still Spidey...uh...I had a girlfriend," he said.

"Oh," was all she could say, "what happened?" she asked and almost smacked herself.

"She... She passed away," he said and she gasped.

"Peter I am so sorry," Michelle wrapped her arms around him without thinking.

"Hey it's okay," he laughed softly hugging her back and they just stood there hugging.

"I missed you MJ, I mean you weren't just my girlfriend. You were my best friend and I lost both," he said.

"You didn't lose... Both," she said and she felt him froze.

She leans back and then they were looking at each other. Peter didn't think her would see her again. He gave up a long time ago because she made it very clear that she did not was anything to do with him, but he checked her posts on Instagram and he knows about her other dates and about Payton.

But the only thing that matters now is that she was here, in front of him right now and not with anyone else.
"I'm really glad you're here," Peter says and she smiles slightly then she does something that take him by surprise, she kisses him.

Right on the lips. The kiss said everything she couldn't say with words it was filled with passion and something that almost felt like love, but he knows it wasn't.

He almost felt guilty for kissing Michelle like this. Gwen was the only other person he's ever loved since Michelle and she died a year and a half ago. Gwen must have known about Michelle and how he felt because before she died in his arms she told him that it was okay. He knew was she ment instantly and he was thankful for it.

The love her felt for Gwen was strong, but he almost feels ashamed to say that this love that he feels right now is ten times stronger.

Michelle pulls away and their both breathless.
"Come inside," he says and she quickly shakes her head.

"No, no, no, no i can't," she protests, but she was already being pushed halfway through the door and she was ambushed by May and Ned hugging her tight welcoming her back almost like she never left.

It felt like she never left when they started filling her in on everything that's happened and she feels alive again. Like a part of her that's been gone is back again. She felt Peter's warm comforting hand interlock with her own hand and she feels warm inside.

She was home in the moment, her and Peter will figure out the whole long distance thing later, but for now everything was perfect.

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