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Walking hand in hand with each flashing light  blinding us and leaving ME in a star studded daze. Every snap taken seemed to capture and imprison my life in its memory. A night that I doubt I'll be able to remember in a few years.

I could however feel every scrutinizing eyes run through every inch of ME ,waiting for a slip up of any kind even if it's a simple stumble. That would be a feast for these hungry vultures. Kane distracted ME from my thoughts by giving ME a gentle squeeze to my hand reminding Me that we had to get in fast, he wasn't used to this and I was exposing him too much.

“ Does that always happen,” he said breathless as soon as we were able to get to the safe zone.  Only authorized photographers were allowed here.

“Yeah, sorry.”  I shrugged giving him one of my lazy smiles.

As we approached the glass dome to be used for the event, I  immediately marvelled at it. It was an architectural master piece. What fascinated ME the most was the botanical garden surrounding it. Trees that hid the existence of such an amazing place in its midst. The moon left it's reflection on the water as Fireflies seemed content with provoking the koi fish in the pond by flying above it.

A block of wood was engraved with words that read‘ The Avinna Rodgers foundation’ it was simply carved to perfection and a set of children hand prints touched each corner of the block and around it were delicate shades of roses. It was after all his late wife's foundation, you really couldn't expect anything less than the best. That's something I picked out about Mr Rodgers he truly went out of his way for his businesses.

Getting to the hall I was once again reminded that whatever glitters isn't gold, it's definitely diamonds. Woman engaged themselves on gossip while men spoke of their last million dollar deal.

To many it was just another social gathering to showcase their wealth and what was termed as helping the less fortunate so as to get social groups off their back. I couldn't believe it not a single person mentioned the children from the multiple conversation I overheard.

As the classical music played on, I still felt uneasy. Why you may ask today was the day I'll get to meet Mr Rodgers whether I like it or not. Face to face no masks no wigs just ME.

Kane seeing my nerves were getting the better of ME, grabbed two glasses of champagne which I held on to  for quite sometime before I thought of requesting for sparkling water instead.  While searching for the catering staff .I caught a glimpse of a child sipping cherry cola.  I knew this was childish but my fetish for cherry cola is all I thought about.

Leaving Kane for a second. I followed the child. She seemed to ME to be about ten years old.  Not looking where I was headed I bumped into someone, why was I so clumsy. With my fingers crossed nothing was spilled.

“Sorry Mr...” still scanning out for the cherry cola child.

“Williams, Nova Williams.” He said as his blue eyes scanned my face for a second.  I felt my cheek redden and avoided his eyes.

Oh, fudge

“Miss Penelope have you found the cherry cola yet,  I won't mind getting it for you. ”Kane called out behind ME.

I saw Nova raise his eyebrow and a smile played on his lips.

“If the lady wants cherry cola then cherry cola she will have.” He announced. “ I had it set out for special lady but I can see she isn't coming so if you don't mind I'll get you some.”

“Thank you Mr Williams.” I smiled.

“Wow miss you seem like you've known him for quite some time. ” Kane asked unaware of my escapades.

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