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Penelope's POV

Mr Henry Rodgers.

Studying him , I retracted my statement of saying he looked like Pierce Brosnan. I may not have being giving him the justice he deserved. He had a tall firm frame seeming strong despite all the years weathered down. A few wrinkles formed around his hazel eyes when he smiled, which he could easily get rid of if he wanted to, after all what was money for. He even fancied a discoloured moustache playing on his upper lip. Overall, He didn't look anything past forty but I knew very well the man was clocking sixty very soon.

If my father had maintained himself maybe he could have looked as good as him. My fathers memory reminded ME why I was here in the first place. Suddenly my throat felt like it had been sealed shut. My excitement died down. I will eventually have to face him but it was too soon for us to meet, not now at least. Coming from ME it may have seemed strange but I wanted a few minutes more to enjoy the event. Enjoy Nova's company to be precise.

"Nova how's your father. Sad he couldn't make it today." I caught their conversation finally something I was aware of.

"He's doing well actually, he'll be discharged tomorrow."

"That's fantastic, I was worried he'd go ahead to kick the bucket before ME." He had the audacity to say. Nova didn't seem to mind. He just chuckled before popping back his head and asking about sterling

I guessed it was his adopted son cause judging from all the emotions he poured into the details , it was someone dear to him . That got an idea running through my head. If I had a cat I could have been stroking it like a villain. Don't get ME wrong Sterling sounds like a cute boy's name... man in this case but lucky for him I've never seen myself as a stepmother.

I was already lost in my mind scheming , zoned out a long time ago. Until I was drawn back.

"Nova let ME take this lovely lady off our hands." he gave a polite smile to Nova who just did a curt nod. I felt betrayed, he didn't even question the man's request instead he just left to converse with one of the guests who seemed eager to talk to him.

I raised my head. I wasn't gonna act shy but defiant towards his request, I was showing him I wasn't afraid of him. Time to face my demon.

"Miss Clay , I'm glad you could make it." he finally said

What can I do when you forced ME.

I gave my best pageant smile. "Thank you for having ME ."

He clasped my hand. Leading ME to the dance floor as the next piece was about to be played. I surely wanted to protest I was tired already and I didn't want to waltz.

"Call ME Henry, we will be family soon." He joked thinking I wasn't aware of his little scheme.

I hope you feel guilty for ruining me

"Congratulations on the event Mr..... Henry"

"It's not really my doing it is miss Kingsley work after all. A little over the top for my wife's liking. But what can you do with the generation these days." he admitted with distaste.

Yeah my age.

"Maybe the next time you can have a hand in it. I'd like to see how you fair out."

" I'm sorry but I highly doubt I'll be able to pull something like these. It's marvellous" I quickly turned down the request.

"Don't flatter yourself miss clay, I know you organized most of the events in your college and I must say they were impressive."

"How did you know,......"

"Your confirmed it."he winked "Hows your night been so far."

"Its been great and yours Henry" I couldn't stand the small talk but my father did warn ME to try to be pleasant. It was as if he was trying to get to know ME.

"Simply marvellous now that you are here, a little bit tired after coming back from Milan."

"How so if you don't mind ME asking." I asked while I deliberated on stepping on him.

"I just met a nice young entrepreneur..... Mr Michael Moore the new CEO of Moore shipping company. Do you know him. His doing exceptionally well"

I stopped my jaw from hitting the floor. So he's the reason Melki couldn't accompany ME tonight. He watched ME from the corner of his eye as he twirled ME around. His good, way to good.

Why hasn't death visited you yet.

Expecting a kind of reaction from ME. I composed myself smiling

"Yes I do, we have had many business arrangements with the Moore family for quite some time." I soon regretted the words that left my mouth. I should have rubbed the fact that I loved Melki but I don't know why I held back. Maybe because I knew he already knew about our relationship and was simply trying to ruffle my feathers

"indeed." he continued to study my features. I may have been conflicted. Consoling myself with the fact I was doing this for both of us.

The song slowly faded in the background. Leading ME back to my seat. I knew I could get out of the situation after all this was what I've been waiting for. My mind simply came to the conclusion I should just stab him and blame the alcohol but my ego brought ME back to reality.

"Henry," I said I'm sweetest voice , "I understand there other issues you wish to discuss with me."

"Don't trouble yourself miss Clay all in due time."I pushed the subject as if it wasn't important. I really didn't like hating people but this man was pushing my limits.

"We do have time Henry, the event isn't over." I pressed on probably looking like a constipated pig.

"I understand your distress miss clay believe ME when I say I'd love to spend more time with you but I gotta get my rest. I'm not exactly in my prime age. I would be delighted if we meet in New York on Tuesday for dinner." He tapped down on my hand.

"Okay, I will inform my father about the Invitation ."

"no, just you."

He wants to have a date with ME. Gross looking at his knuckles. I was about to give a very rude comeback but it seemed my father's voice kept reminding ME that I needed to be pleasant.

"I'll be there." I let out defeated breath.

"Don't disappoint ME miss clay. Au revoir" he turned and navigated himself through the hall.

Here I was back to my seat in one piece. I couldn't do it. I couldn't speak up all of the time running around London yet when I had the opportunity right in front of ME I cowered and could say no and end this thing for once.

Feeling conflicted I felt Kane rise from his seat and tag on my hands. I needed a friend right now and here he was. I urgently wanted to leave right away. I couldn't bare the sting his words caused, it was like a student who got shown up by a master.

Getting away I found the soft gaze of Amelia on ME from a distance. She looked quite disappointed. She probably thinks I'm just like the rest of the snobby people around this place who won't even give a second fudge about them. This made ME feel more guilty . I should just stay but I knew I was unstable I'll probably break down and my father would find out soon about my incident and reprimand ME for embarrassing his image to the world. It was fucked up I get it but who could blame ME for being a suck up.

Without giving anyone a second glance I was out of the place. Speed walking to the car. I even ripped off the heels I had on, they felt even more uncomfortable than they were already.

Back to square one.


Sorry for the late updates, please bare with ME.


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