Bella gives birth

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Bella is 8 months pregnant.....

Today Bella is at home with Rosalie and Alice folding the baby's clothes when she got a sharp pain in her stomach Alice shouted Carlisle Emmett was not home he was hunting with Edward and Jasper Carlisle came up to Bella and Emmett room and saw they Bella was breathing really heavy  and he said to her you are in labour and Bella said but I have one month left and Carlisle said I know come with me and he said Alice run in to the woods and get Emmett

But the time Emmett had arrived the twins were born but when they were born they had two boys not one of each they were still happy and so was Bella to have two healthy boys and then everyone came in and Alice asked what are there names.

Emmett said the one in my arms is called Ryan and Bella said the one in my hands is Leo and they all said hi boys.

But has the twins are half vampire and half human they are growing fast then Alice had a vision that the  vultrui are coming and also Bella is now a vampire.

They were all worried on how long they have with the twins.

Thanks for reading next chapter is fight with the vultrui

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