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DAYS PASSED BY like raindrops. I was almost in some kind of trance-like state. My routine consisted of ignoring Delia, riding in the car with Caleb to school and acting like a happy couple when eyes pried our intertwined hands while pointedly ignoring Amanda and Emmett. To my great disappointment: life had only gotten even more monotonous and boring ever since the game had started.

It took me by surprise when Delia actually acknowledged me in the morning. I'd made myself a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal and was plowing my way through the delicious goodness when Delia showed up in the kitchen.

"Hey," Delia said, stretching into a yawn as she trudged over to the table and took a seat adjacent to me. "We need to talk."

I allowed my eyes to skim over her outfit, which consisted of what I guessed to be Ryder's baggy T-shirt. I didn't need to look under the table to guess that she probably hadn't even bothered to put on pants.

"What's up?" I asked halfheartedly after a long stretch of silence.

"Well, I've been seeing Ryder for a while now."

A while, for Delia, apparently meant a mere week. I decided to humor her and play along by nodding as if I understood.

"And, we're in a serious relationship," she continued confidently.

She's being serious?! I nearly choked on my cereal, as I swallowed. "Do you even know what serious means? Because your past definitely doesn't account for your knowledge of that word."

She rolled her eyes and lifted her left hand. My eyes widened as they landed on the glimmer belonging to her ring finger. It couldn't be.

"He proposed," I said haltingly, my heart rate increasing by the second as I took in the news.

Delia smiled softly as if she were fondling a memory in her mind. "Ryder proposed to me last night in my room."

I wasn't sure whether to be entirely disgusted or terrified. "You met him one week ago, Delia-"

"So?" She shrugged as if it didn't matter when it really did matter. "We live in the present, Em. And right now, I know I really like him-love him-and I want to be with him for as long as I can."

I struggled for coherent words as she continued on about her supposed newfound love for Ryder.

"He's a really amazing guy, Emeraude. I wish you'd give him a chance. He's sweet and funny and considerate..." Delia's voice trailed off as she noticed my perturbed expression. "Are you even listening?"

"How are we even going to pay for this?" I asked pointedly. "You know damn well we're barely making it by with the rent, Delia. Ryder's paying for this, right?"

Her expression clouded over and he bit his lip. "Um, we haven't really talked that out."

"Does he even have a job?"

"I don't know," Delia said with a light shrug. "He probably does."

"You don't even know if he has a job. He could be a stripper for all you know!" My voice had risen up in anger. "When's the wedding, anyway?"

She glared at me. "It's in a few days. We were thinking this coming Sunday."

"That's in... two days."

"We don't need a big, elaborate wedding. We were thinking just a low-key, mild wedding at the nearby church."

"Do you even hear yourself?"

"Look," Delia said tiredly. "I've already called Amanda's family and Emmett's family. They'll be showing up-"

"-you did what?"

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