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THE PIZZA PARLOR was crowded at this time of day, as its close proximity to our school attracted the attention of many. Caleb and I found ourselves at a corner booth, towards the back of the diner.

"You're staring, Em," Caleb waved his hand in front of my face, and gave me a classic smirk. "I mean... I understand why you'd be staring at this godliness of a face, but do tell me what you're thinking in that beautiful head of yours."

I rolled my eyes as a response to his comment. "Cocky much, are you?"

"Somewhat, but I know you love it. So here's what's going down. We're going to get to know each other over a bowl of breadsticks."

"You just picked breadsticks for me? What happened to allowing the lady to pick what she wants?" I scoffed. "What if I hate breadsticks?"

"Who could hate breadsticks?" Caleb leaned forward and smiled at me. "You'd have to be an alien from another planet to hate breadsticks."

I glared at him as he ran a hand through his tousled hair. "How do you do it? How do you just wrap everything in your favor?"

Caleb opened his mouth to reply, probably with some smartass comment, but was cut off when we were greeted by a waitress.

"Welcome to Benson's Deep Dish Pizza. I'll be your server this evening, and my name is..." the waitress's voice trailed off and I looked up.

Standing before me was my best friend. And she didn't look particularly happy. Caleb glanced at me, and then at the waiter. His mouth curled into a tight and forced smile. "You go to our school, don't you? Amanda, is it?"

"Yes." Amanda smiled at him, though a little too sweetly. Caleb might've been fooled, but I could easily tell that this certainly didn't look good. She turned back to me. "My name is Amanda, but you already know that. Anyways, what might I get you two today?"

"I'll take a Coke with ice," Caleb said instantly. "What about you, Em?"

Amanda's eyebrows rose at Caleb's usage of my nickname. Her blue eyes narrowed as I eyed her back, "I'll take a-"

"-Cherry Pink Lemonade with no ice?" she interrupted. "I know already, honey. You know, I happen to have a best friend that likes the exact same drink. What a coincidence! I'll be right back."

Amanda stalked off, clutching her notepad a little tighter. I sighed and looked back at Caleb, who had a confused expression on his face.

"What is it with everyone trying to order me things today?" I muttered angrily. "Do I not have a right to order what I want?"

"What's up with you two?" he gave me a worried frown. "Everything alright?"

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it. She's pissed about something, and I think I know what it is. I'll talk to her later."

"If you're sure..." Caleb still looked somewhat worried.

And suddenly, it struck me. I was sitting here, with the school's golden boy. The most attractive, popular, and liked person in school. Why not have a little fun?

"You said we should get to know each other. Let's start with a basic question. What's your favorite color?"

He smiled slightly and looked down at the table. "Green. It's always been green. What about you?"

"Blue," I replied confidently. "Like, sky blue."

"Interesting. How many people have you been with?" Caleb bit his lip to keep from laughing.

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