(1) Who I Am

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I'm Shaylee Williams, but everyone calls me Shay and I might look perfect and happy on the first look, but when you look closer, you would see it's all just a show

My family is totally broken...

My dad is an alcoholic and doesn't care about me. I think I could faint and he would still scream at me. We don't get along at all and I have to confess that I'm scared of him. I hate him and I'm seriously scared of him. I don't wanna be alone in the same room with him

My parents are fighting almost 24/7 and he is threatening with divorce since years and all I can think about is, why doesn't he?? We would be better off without him, but the thing is that he wants to get custody of me and my sister, although he hates me more than anything. Just because I started to talk back, when he insults and bullies me. Is that so wrong?!

And both, my little sister Liv and I, don't wanna stay with him!!! Never ever we want that to happen!!

I would rather be dead, than live with him as my only guardian, cuz I know, it would never end up good and he only would try to get custody of us alone, to hurt my mom, what he does every single time he can

To sum it up. All he cares about his himself and his alcohol

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