(2) One Day In My Life

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My mom woke me up and but I stayed in my bed for longer, trying not to fall asleep again. A few minutes later one of my dogs came over to my bed and wanted me to pet her and when I don't she stretches her head so wide on my bed as possible to lick my face. She always goes for my face. To make her stop I just started petting her for like 5 minutes, then I got up and went to the toilet. I already saw, that the light was on in Liv's room. She's always awake that early, even earlier

I went to wash my hands and then to the kitchen to make my breakfast. A bowl cereals like every morning and a hot chocolate. Then I went into my room, to make the kitchen free for my sister

I sat back down on my bed and started watching videos on YouTube. I always do that, that's how I wake myself up

After I was done eating, I turned on my music and started looking for clothes to wear. I put them on and then I realized that I forgot to turn on my straighter and turned it on

I went to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth and went back to my room to pack my bag for school

I just can't do it on the evening, because I always think that I forget something. After I was done, I took my makeup bag and went back to the bathroom, where I finished brushing my teeth and started putting makeup on.

After I was done I went back to my room and straighten my hair and afterwards I unplugged the straighter and put on some converse

Then I had to hurry, so I won't be late for school

I drove to school on my bike and locked it there and hurried to my first class, Math.

I hate math!!

"Run run little girl!!" I heard a male voice say

That's Mason King, who thinks he is the king just because of his last name...

I entered the class room and sat down on my place, then the teacher entered the room while I was drinking something

"The lesson started, you know?" Mr. Collins said

And I packed my water away and the lesson started

10 minutes later, Mason entered the room

"There he is, the guy that is never too late" my teacher said

"Yea yea" Mason said and sat down on the table next to me, because it's the only free one

He put his bag on the table and started eating

"This isn't a break!!" My teacher said

"But I didn't had breakfast and I'm hungry" he held his hand out with some cake "Want some??" He laughed

"Put it away!!" My teacher said

"Whatever you say, dude" Mason said and put the food away

I can't believe that Mason and I, share all the same classes!!

An hour later it rang for the break

"Lone wolf again?!" Mason asked laughing

I ignored him and walked out the room, but he followed me and kept bullying me, until he finally left me alone and I went to see my best friend Bree. She's also my only friend

I told her about what happened and she just shook her head

"Someone has to do something against that jerk!!" She said

"Like who?" I asked

"The principal or the ones, who get bullied by him!!"

"No!!! No no no!! It would only make it worse!!"

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