(6) Another Day Of Songwriting

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As soon as we arrived at school, we split up and haven't talk to each other the entire time

"Shay, what's wrong with you?! Since when do you go for the bad boys??" Bree asked

"I'm not going for the bad boys, I don't have any feelings for him!!" 

"Whatever you say!!" She said 

Why can't she believe me?! 

We walked to the next class, but we didn't talk much

Even in our break we didn't talk much

After school same rountine as every day since that week

Mason pushed my bike again and I got him to give me his bag in change

"How old is Kay?" 

"She's my older sister, that means she's 19"

"How old are you??" 

"I'm 18"

"How come you're 18? You are in 10 grade??"

"Like you never repeated a grade"

"Once, this year"

"I have twice because of suspensions and bad grades"

"How come you never gave up??" 

"The ladies like bad boys"

"Not all of them or maybe at first, but then they want a boyfriend that cares about them and loves them with all their heart and never let go or look after other girls" 

I kinda got carried away


"Wha-!? Sorry"

"Let's just hurry!! I'm hungry, near starving"

I laughed "And people say, I'm a drama queen"

"Hey, if then I am a drama king" He laughed

We arrived at my apartment and he carried my bike downstairs. I tried to take it from him, but he wouldn't let me

We got back upstairs and into my apartment

I put my bag in my room and went to the living room, to be greeted by two barking dogs

Mason followed me

Both dogs ran over to him and let him cuddle them

I laughed, then turned to my mom 

"Just wanted to say that I'm home and I brought Mason with me and he's hungry, no starving and so am I"

"I hadn't time to make dinner yet"

"How about Shay and I give it a try??" Mason asked

"Okay" She said and Mason went to the kitchen

"Is he your boyfriend??" My mom asked

"MOM!!" I gave her a look and went to kitchen to find a laughing Mason

"What!?" I asked him

He just kept laughing

"You heard it, didn't you??" I asked

He was still laughing and nod

"I hate you!!" I punched him in the arm

He catched his breath

"What do you wanna cook??" He asked

"Some vegetarian"


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