(4) Next Day Of Hell

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By now Mason and I were sitting on my bed. We were just sitting there, not talking, not singing, just sitting

I still was so embarrassed and scared that Mason saw everything and was a part of everything

I would've talked to a best friend about that, I mean, if she would know about it, but because she doesn't, Mason is all I got right now

We were sitting there for another 15 minutes until Mason took a look on the clock

"I think it's time for me to leave" He said

"Yea, you could be right there..." 

I got up and so did he. I brought him to the door

"See ya tomorrow" He said "And don't worry, I won't tell!!" 

"Again, thank you!!" I said

Then he left the building and I closed the door and went to the living room, where I found my mom crying

I sat down next to her

"Are you mad? I mean, at Mason... for what he did??" I asked her a little bit scared

"Your dad won't remember anything from tonight, so if you don't tell him, I won't tell him" She said

"Thanks mom" I said "I'm just glad that Liv wasn't here and that she hasn't seen anything of what happened" 

"Me too. I'm going to bed and I think you should too, it's late"

"Okay..." I said and got up and back into my room. I took my stuff and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth afterwards. I went to my room and got to bed. I was still thinking about the day and what happened 

I hope he keeps his word

:::Next Day:::

I woke up and did my morning routine and drove to school

Then I went to my locker

"How has working been???" Bree asked me

"It was... okay. We made some progress, not that much but we did"

"Mr. Mason King can work?!" 

"Apparently. I was surprised myself, that he helped me figure out the song somehow, it's not done, but it will be"

"You wanna tell me that Mr. Bad Boy helped with school work?!"

"Yes, Mr. Bad Boy did!" 

"No way!!" She said

"Yes way" I looked at my watch "Gotta go" I said and ran off to History

I don't even know why I'm excited to go there. I just didn't wanted to talk to Bree about Mason, I promised. 

I entered the class room and sat down and drank something. I'm alway almost late every day and I don't know why. All I know is, that I am

Then Mason walked in, punctual for a change and then he sat down next to me although the other tables all are free. Somebody get this guy please! And when you did, please call me, 'cause I can't figure it or better him out

"Hey there little girl" He said

"Hey there bad boy, on time for a change??" I asked

"One more time to late and I get suspended, my mom would kill me after she's done with her new boyfriend"

I looked at him

"She has a new one again"

"Does she ever care about her kids!?" I asked

"Not as far as I can see"

"She's stupid not to, it's her loss"

"Did you just compliment me?" He asked

"Yea, keep dreaming" I punched him playfully in the arm and laughed and so did he "Oh and by the way, about the evening, my father doesn't remember and no one plans on telling him"

"Thank you Shay, I don't need another case" He said and my eyes widen

Another case!??! He already has problems with the police!?!

Just when I was about to ask him, Mrs. Pauls came in and started the class

It felt like forever until it was over, but I was glad as it finally was and then I was happy that school was over hours later

Mason and I went to my bike and I turned to him

"I think it's better, if we don't go to my place today. I can't risk it that my father remembers you or that Liv finds out about it"

"My place it is, even if it's not that great" He said and took my bike to push it

We were walking again

"How many siblings do you have??" I asked


"8?! Oh my gosh... I couldn't take that!! My one sister is more than enough"

He looked at me

"What?! Okay, I wished I had a bigger family, but not anymore. All the family trouble and they would be baby's and I'm 17 and almost grown up and I couldn't really play with them because I want to go to college and not babysit all the time"

"How many kids do you want someday??" He asked me

"I don't know... Not only one, but not that much either. You?"

"Same, but for that I need to find someone that gets me for who I am and not someone that thinks to know me by looking at me or hearing my name"

"So it's all just show??" I asked

He look on his feet and a few minutes later, he looked up

"It's stupid I know, but somehow I need to get some attention" 

"You got mine and I don't care that you bullied me and made my life a living hell"

"Yea, I won't do that anymore, your life is a living hell without me bullying you too, so I'm not needed anymore, but as soon as your life gets better, I'm back"

I laughed and looked at him

"Got it"

Somehow strange.... The schools bad boy is my friend and we have a great time with each other and he almost never has been mean to me. Okay, he has his times, where he's just hurtful, but those times are just normal. I have them too

We arrived at a house, that doesn't look that fresh anymore

Mason put my bike on the porch and locked it there, then we went in

Mason went to the living room, but told me first to stay there, which I did. Then he came back with the guitar and pulled me upstairs on my wrist

"Why do you always grab my wrist??" I asked

"Want me to grab something else?" He asked and pulled me into a small room

"Is that your room??" I asked

"Yep, not that proud of it" 

"It's okay!!" I sat down on his bed and so did he and the bed crashed down, it broke

I just couldn't help it and started laughing, which caused him to laugh too

We are just crazy!!

I got the sheets from my bag and we continued writing. We didn't get much further than the last time, but I didn't care. Even if we are here, I felt safe with him

It's crazy, I know. But so am I 

Does that even make sense?!

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