People ignore me, I'm used to it really.
People talk shit about me, I'm used to it.
People exclude me from shit, again, I'm used to it.
People never talk to me, used to it.
I'm used to being in the background, I'm used to people saying they'll always be here but then they aren't, I'm used to people talking shit about me, I'm used to be excluded. I'm just fucking used to it.
I've never really ever had friends who enjoy my company, want me to be there, care about me. And I still done really...
I'm so used to being the replaceable person, its just bound to happen.
I expect people to replace me, I expect people to ignore me, I expect people to not talk to me, I expect it all which is why I avoid getting attached to people because I know eventually they'll replace me. And do you know who I fear will replace me? My friends, I've gotten attached to them and I know its stupid me getting attached because I know that eventually....I'll be replaced... I always am.. This is why I get so excited when people talk to me..or want to be my friend..because it makes me actually feel I'm wanted.. But I know that eventually..I'll be replaced..
These people...are people I'm attached to...people I'm scared will replace me eventually...
If you're tagged..just..ignore this. I'm being a fucking idiot like always.
If you aren't doesn't mean I'm not attached to are still close to me..
Ignore this..I'm just being an idiot with stupid useless feelings...