Watch Your Hands Now, Corporal.

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     "I think day one was a success!"

     "Today will be even better... I came up with the idea on to make the corporal jealous." Mikasa explained.

     You cringed, "What is it?"

     Mikasa's plans almost rivaled Hanji's when it came to how terrifying and over-the-top they were. She stood up and grabbed the jacket on the shelf behind her. Holding it up, you quickly recognized who its owner was, thanks to the black lettering that said 'EREN JAEGER' in small print above the right breast pocket. you could see more clothes on the same shelf.

     "What are you gonna make me do?"

     "We're doing 3d Maneuver gear placement checks today. Three guesses as to who is the one doing the checks."

     "Corporal Levi?" You answer.

     "Bingo," Hanji replied.

     "Welp... might as well..."


     You stood in line with the rest of your group as you waited for Levi to appear. The clothing was tighter than your own, since you were thicker than Eren. It didn't help that the chest area was constricting air flow to you and the leggings were chafing your thighs.

     But it would be worth it if it got you one step further in knowing if Levi liked you.

     The whispers were silenced as Levi stepped into the room you were all located. He, of course, was closest to you, and so you were first.

     "Cadet (L/N)!"


     Satisfied by your attention, he began with his checks. He checked the gas tanks, extra blades, then the swords themselves. Finally, he went on to check the belts.

     It could have been your imagination, but his fingers seemed to linger longer than they should of and he seemed more interested in your thighs than the belts. Sadly, it ended as quickly as it began.

     "Cadet (L/N)," he said quietly.

     'Oh shit.'

     "Y-yes, sir?"

     "Why the fuck are you wearing cadet Jaeger's clothes?"

     "I...uh... I-"

     He leaned close to your ear.

     "I think you'd look better in my clothes, not Jaeger's"

     He finally moved onto the next person, waving you off. You scurried away, hoping he didn't notice the blush on your face. Eventually, you ended up back at Hanji's room to tell them how it went.

     "Wow (Y/N). I didn't know you could turn that shade of red." Hanji laughed.

     "Shut up."

     "I take it that means it was a success though?

     You turned to her, frantically waving your arms around.

     "HE LITERALLY WAS HITTING ON ME!," you shouted, "He kept touching my legs and said, and I quote, 'I think you'd look better in my clothes, not Jaeger's.' Like, sweet mother Teresa on the hood of a mercedes benz, I think I'm gonna die."

     Hanji grinned to themself, "It definitely was a success."


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