Freckled Jesus!

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     You were eating breakfast in the morning when Hanji sat next to you.

     "So, good news: our plan is working. Bad news: Levi wants to kill Eren. He actually threatened to kill him and meant it. So from now on we are enlisting the help of other boys, as long as that's ok with you." Hanji explained.

      "I guess so."

      "Great! Now that that's out of the way, onto today's plan! Marco, come here please!"

     The freckled boy made his way over to the both of you, seemingly frightened by Hanji's enthusiasm. He sat down with his tray, next to you and farther from the crazy scientist.

      "Ok, the idea here is that you and Eren had to separate because of Levi. So Marco here is cheering you up. Ooh, here he comes! Good luck you two!"

     And then they ran off to greet Levi, leaving you two alone. You put your head down, eliciting a response from Marco.

     "Uhm... (Y/N), do you still wanna do this plan. If you don't then-"

     "It's not fair!"


     "Eren and I were perfectly fine together and he ruined it," you sobbed, "He must really hate me!"

     Marco realized that you were faking it and quickly got into the act of comforting you. Your crying caught the attention of those around you, which alerted Levi. He blocked out whatever Hanji had been saying and stared at you.

     Your body was pressed against Marco's as he hugged you, his hand petting your hair as tears rolled down your face. Levi glared at the boy as he stormed over to the two of you. He stopped as he was in earshot and could hear your conversation.

     "I just don't understand why I can't be happy! I get one good thing and Levi takes it away!"

     "Shh, Shh, it's ok (F/N)." Marco cooed.

     Levi growled and resumed walking, crouching in front of you.

     "Hey, brat. Why are you crying?"

     And against your better judgement you answered to realistically.

     "It's because of you're shitty ass! You ruined the only good thing I've ever had! All because of some mysterious reason that you refuse to say! What, were you jealous!? Well I'd never go out with someone who doesn't have the balls to tell a person that they like them, or who don't at least make some sort of attempt to show their love!"

     And then Levi hit you. As your face met the concrete, you blacked out.


     You woke up on a cot in the infirmary with your friends around you.

     "Guys...? What happened?"

     "Yesterday you yelled at Levi and he knocked you unconscious by punching you in the face, causing you to collide with the floor. Levi freaked out and carried you here. No one has seen him leave his room since them." Eren replied, everyone else nodding with him.


     You placed your hand to your aching cheek where you were hit, then to your bandaged head. You shot out of bed and left the room, despite your friends attempts to stop you.

     You knew where you were going.

     'Levi, I'm sorry...' You thought.

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