Here's the Plan...

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     "I do not like the corporal!"

     "(Y/N) don't lie to me. I know how you work."

     'Being in the stomach of a titan would be better than being here...'

     You hated Hanji and their ability to see right through you. Especially since they were able to figure out that you liked the corporal.

     I mean, how could you not? He's not called humanity's strongest for nothing. His chiseled abs and strong muscles...

     "(Y/N), Stop thinkin' about shorty and get over here! I have an idea."

     "By the walls... What is it?" You ask, stepping towards the mad scientist.

     "How does one get an emotionless brick wall to notice them?" they asked. 

     "I don't know Hanji..."

     "Make 'em jealous, (Y/N)!"

     'Oh boy..."

-Timeskip brought to you by Levi's abs-

     "Hanji I doubt this will work."

     "Nonsense, (Y/N)! He'll think you and Eren are a couple, and will make some sort of reaction to it. Depending on the reaction, we'll know if he's into you or not."

     Hanji had brought Eren into this plan as well. Their idea was to put the two of you together and make it seem like you were already a couple.

     So far their idea sucked.

-Day 1-

     Whispers could be heard throughout the dining hall as Eren and you walked hand and hand to your table. None were bad, but they still bothered you.

     "The titan slayers are together."

     "Damn, I wanted Eren for myself..."

     "I called it guys, pay up."

     But as you reached the table, one voice spoke up.

     "So you freaks are a thing?"

     "Shut up Jean."

     "Also, I see you cut your hair shorter. Why? Now you look like a dude!" Jean (neighed) said.

     "Your face makes you look like a horse," you shot back.

     "You women only call me that since you wanna ride me!"

     And within seconds he was launched into the closest wall by Mikasa. His face smacked first, the thud catching everyone's attention as laughter broke out from the table.

     "Hehe, thanks Mikasa."

     "You're welcome."

     All laughter was silenced as a voice spoke up.

     "Oi brats! What the hell is all this noise about?"

     Corporal Levi looked at each and every one of you, then to Jean, who was basically making out with the wall. One look at your hand clasped tight with Eren's and his face darkened.

     "Take that sappy couple shit somewhere else."

     And with that, he stormed off towards the doors, leaving Hanji at the higher-ups table. You saw as they beckoned you over, their eyes lit up with excitement.

     "(Y/N)! I think we can call this a success!"

     "Well, any day where I get to see Jean's face shoved through a wall is a good day."

     "We're gonna step it up a little every day this week, until we can confirm or deny shorty's feelings for you."

     This was gonna be a long week...

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