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"Heaven are you at least going to call him?"

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"Heaven are you at least going to call him?"

sitting on the fuzzy white blanket, that layed slightly crocked on her full sized bed, heaven tried desperately to tune out her friends -

who were currently trying to convince her to call up the boy from her one night stand gone wrong - and let him know that he's going to be a father.

Heaven didn't see the point ,if she was being honest, she was almost completely positive that the zion - she remembers his name - wouldn't want to be in the kid's life anyway.

it also was because she knew that calling him would force her to acknowledge that she was ACTUALLY pregnant, and that this wasn't a bad dream.

"look hev, you aren't just making choices for you anymore, you are responsible for another life now so you have to take their needs into play -"

Tiffany started, knowing that her friend since junoir high needed a little push to do anything concerning the unborn child - so she decided to be the one to give her that push.

" and since I know that you aren't going to do anything by yourself, I set you up a doctor's appointment - and I found zion's Instagram and Dmed him for you"

she countined, snapping her chocolate skinned friend from her thoughts, as she again, wasn't ready to acknowledge that this was happening.

"why would you do that?!"

she said - her heart seeming to begin to beat faster than ever before, as she rushed to snatch her phone from her friend -

who managed to scroll all the way through his account by then, smiling as she clicked on what seemed to be one of his most liked pictures.

who managed to scroll all the way through his account by then, smiling as she clicked on what seemed to be one of his most liked pictures

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USER. hi from brazil!

ZIONKUWONU. forever and always 🖤

USER. king!


digging further into his account they found a few more things, one - that he was in a famous boyband that heaven hadn't heard of before, and two - that that he had a girlfriend, certified Instagram baddie and apparently upcoming singer, Naomi Jay, which complicated the situation further.

"well aren't you fucked."

Kelanhi spoke from across the room, not knowing what to do about the situation her best friend had gotten herself into.

"i still think you should call him."

Tiffany said pushing the one towards her distraught friend who pushed it away, all the things that could and probably will go wrong flashing through her mind.

"it's no use - he's just going to say i'm lying or something, and likely deny this child, so I think I'll pass."

heaven spoke, laying her head flat on her pillow, trying to ignore the tears that once again threatened to fall from her eyes.

she didn't know how her life became such a mess so quickly, one minute she was a regular teen, the next she was some popstar's baby mama to be.

"i agree with Tiff, call him - if you were in that position you'd want to know about your kid wouldn't you?"

kelanhi spoke, wrapping her arms around her friend who was now crying, feeling overwhelmed by what was going on.


she wasn't sure on what she was going to tell him, as just blurting out
"hey i'm happy your baby "
didn't seem like it would be the best choice in this situation or in any for that matter.

but yet here she was, lying in her bed - waiting for the boy she would now be forever connected with to pick up the phone so she could drop him the news, that was life changing for all the wrong reasons.

okay so everything on the left side is zion and everything on the right is heaven.


"is this zion?"

Heaven spoke into the phone, butterflies from being completely pertified building up in her stomach.

"yes it is, but who is this?"

"it's heaven. you probably don't remember, but we kind of hooked up at party last month and you gave me your number"

heaven said, remembering the boys groggy waking up voice clearly, letting her know that he'd likely just gotten up despite it being 2 in the afternoon.

"i remember you - but I have a girlfriend, so if you're calling for sex -"

"that's not why I am calling - trust me when I say one time with you was enough"

Heaven said, cutting the boy off and rolling her deep brown eyes at the comment, as sex was the last thing she'd planning on doing for a long time.

"anyways, there's no easy way to say this but basically when we did what we did, you didn't use a condom, and we'll - I'm pregnant."

"do seriously think I'm going to sit here and believe a total stranger who tells me they are pregnant?"

he said reacting excatly how she said he would, which was of no surprise to her.

"you don't have to believe me, and before you ask I don't want anything from you, or anybody for that matter. I just wanted to let you know that you have a kid on the way, whether you are in it's life or not is up to you.
I'm telling you this because if I were I your position I'd want to know."

she said before hanging up the phone and falling back onto her pillows, honestly feeling one of the thousands of weights lifted off of her chest.

I didn't edit this so sorry if it's messy and misspelled and such. ♥️

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