Part 2

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*artwork is not mine it belongs to the artist *

Nine years later:

Naruto said goodbye to Haruhi, Tezuna, Namaki, and Obira-sensei. He trotted back to the den.

Naruto was extremely nervous. Tails twitching, he walked up to his mother.


" What is it honey?"

"I have something to tell you, that I've been needing to tell you for a while."

Yuki turned to look at her son. She had a pretty good idea of what it was he needed to tell her.

" Mom, I'm a girl."

Naruto hung her head and waited for her mother to yell or say that she was not her child.

Warmth surrounded her, and Naruto's eyes widened in shock. Her mother was hugging her.

Yuki understood that it had been difficult for Naruto and she would be there for her daughter.

" Honey, I'm glad you told me."

"You're not upset?"

" Why, would I be upset?"

" That, I am not your son."

" You are my child male, female, or genderless. Nothing, is going to change that."

Naruto snuggled in her mother's warmth. Now, she had to say the other hard part. With her friends, she had chosen a new name.

Shyly she spoke again," I want to go by Nami."

The newly dubbed, Nami, smiled at her mother.

Yuki had an idea.

" Nami, I want to show you something."

It took only a couple of seconds for Yuki to switch between her female and male forms.

Nami gapped in awe.

Yuki smiled and returned to her female form. It would be the first jutsu she would teach Nami. She knew how wrong it felt to be in her male self. Even though, it was only a solid henge.

"It is a bit early for me to start your jutsu training, but I believe I can make an exception. I am going to show you how to make a permanent solid henge."

Nami's ears perked up and she eagerly listened.

Two years later:

Haruhi, Namaki, and Tezuna were looking for Nami. She had been missing for a week. As her friends, they were responsible for finding her. The others had spread out over the other half of their territory. Yuki had been distraught, and was murmuring," it's my fault." No one else had the faintest clue what she could have done to make Nami leave. Obira-sensei had stayed behind, to make sure Yuki would be okay.

There had been no sign of their friend. Search parties had been going for days and many were losing hope. It was raining and any potential scent trails were being washed away.

Tezuna was walking past a bramble, when he caught a familiar scent. " I found something," he shouted.

Haruhi and Namaki bounded over. The two young vixen almost could be mistaken for one another, if not for the color of their eyes. Haruhi's were a bright green-gold, while Namaki's was two toned blue and brown.

Tezuna's yellow eyes filled with worry. They had found a patch of ground with a lot of blood. It was somewhat fresh, which meant she was close by. She could also be in danger.

Hackles raised, they began to run. They followed the scent of Nami's blood.

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