Part 3

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*artwork is not mine it belongs to the artist *

Two weeks earlier:

Nami leapt through the underbrush, tears falling from her muzzle.

Her mother had lied the entire time. Yuki wasn't her mother and she had never said a word about her birth parents. Nami felt betrayed and hurt. So, she ran. She wanted to not think and keep going farther away from Yuki.

Days passed as she ran. Hardly stopping for food or water, she just kept running. Nami knew she was ignoring the problem, but she didn't notice or care.

She stumbled and fell, her legs were trembling. With a deep breath, Nami climbed to her feet and took off again. Her legs gave out again, in the center of a briar patch. Panting, her body refused to respond, needing rest more than anything.

Pain lanced along her side, and she lashed out against it.

It was a huge snake with chakra coils, obviously a summon. Nami was irritated with herself for not sensing the snake earlier. Howling, Nami sprang apon the unfortunate reptile.

She ripped it to shreds and staggered away, with her already beginning to feel faint. Stumbling and dragging her increasingly uncooperative around, she wandered around.

Something was in her way, and she simply fell over. Unwittingly, she fell on a slightly perverted, crazy, ex-ANBU, who covered his face, and spent a lot of time at the Memorial Stone and graveyard.

Kakashi had been lying down under a tree reading Icha-Icha: Shinobi Love, not expecting anything unusual to happen. He forgot that he was a shinobi, and things were rarely normal.

Something small and wet landed on his stomach, he moved Icha-Icha to find a fox bleeding out.

He blinked and shushinned to his apartment. Kakashi had a soft spot for animals, no matter what his pack said.

Moving quickly he grabbed the first aid kit and set about fixing the fox.

Clean white bandages covered the fox's middle. Kakashi had discovered that it was a she, and from what he could tell, something big had attacked her.

There was also the fact that he discovered that she had chakra coils. She was most likely a fox summon, but a little part of him wondered if she was something else. The double tails only fueled that suspicion.

So he was helping a kitsune and she was passed out in his apartment, he had really outdone himself in the stupid ideas department.

Kakashi sighed and sat down with Icha-Icha, again, and waited for the kitsune to wake up.

Author 's note:

I am undecided on a pairing you guys have any ideas?

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